Photoshop CS5 all menus grayed out
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Photoshop file after working on image all the menus go grayed out. Able to save file but can not select any menus. After you save the image quit and then reopen file works fine. This has happened 5 times today.
Tried the file in CS3 Photoshop and have not had this problem
Imac G5 2 GHz Intel Core Creative Suite Master Collection.
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The menu gray out bug should have been addressed pre-release of PS CS5.
Yes, if someone had a reproduceable case of the problem during beta testing, we would have fixed it then. But the only person to report the problem during beta tested replaced his machine right after reporting the problem, and never saw the problem again.
We only managed to reproduce the problem at Adobe a few weeks before the dot release shipped. It was not a trivial or obvious bug.
So, once we knew that there was a real problem and were able to reproduce it - we fixed it and delivered an update with the fix as soon as we could.
So, what more are you asking us to do?
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Thank you for the post, Chris. Although you're up to speed on the bug, at least one other Adobe employee who replied to my original post was not.
No user wants to have a bug experience blamed on their hardware, albeit years ago that was a possibility. I was the Director, Product Management for Fox Interactive/NBCUni's, and QA was under my umbrella. That said, few software tools are as complex as Photoshop.
What more? For anyone who had the PS trial version and spent over an hour restarting, looking for workarounds or commenting here re the bug, how about an extension on the 30 day trial? I was actually working with PS CS5 for a site. In any event, I'll be buying it sooner rather than later.
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Now you know that Chris could not do this even he wanted to and for someone that has worked for such a big firm as NBC you should perhaps know better.
Would you lie to hear about the run arounds I got from NBC?
Not being fair is not what a good policy often though being fair is not a criteria for getting a position of authority at NBC or nay of the networks.
Asking freelance people to do work and then claiming they never hired them to do so and here is yet another example of a professional complainer looking for an excuse for something for nothing.
In other words you tell a really sad story but what you really want is something for nothing. I won't be surprised if you did not upgrade. Even if you got ten extensions of time on the trial.
Have a nice day.
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Wade, sounds like NBCuni may have really done a number on you. Sorry to hear that. I worked for Fox Interactive Media, not NBCUni. I liked my Hulu tech team from NBCUni, but I have other views about NBCUni IT culture that I cannot talk about due to a brief -- and unpleasant-- consulting experience.
(I didn't have the time to run PS CS5 though its paces. Note I bought previous PS verisons going back 15 years, as well as other Adobe products for personal and professional use, specifying Adobe Product Suites or specific products for company purchases for up to 15 seats at a time).
I will upgrade soon. Photoshop has no competition.
A sad story from me? No. Sounds like you have a sad story. I don't want"something for nothing." You misread badly, and appear to have an axe to grind. I doubt you speak for Chris.
Good luck in your freelance career.
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Not really martinbay.
I found my experiences with the networks were all very amusing. I listened to them and they showed me their capabilities and they tried butno saop I had other things more important to do.
For instance I do some pro bono work for a theater group that was without any funds at all. I needed some funds for the type which costs about $52.00
at the time I had to meet some executives from ABC as they were paying for the art and production costs. The meeting according to the people present was between to executive vice presidents and the president of ABC. For $52.00 worth of type. In the end their art department supplied me with the type.
Not all bad we met at the courthouse which they used as a theater and while waiting John Cassavetes and Peter Falk walk in and sit one on each side of me. They were I think looking for money as well.No not really they were friends of the director of the theater.
So it was not al a bad experience.
NBC was amusing you are right FOX I never was directly involved with though i may somewhere along the line.
I never lost any money and may have made a little mostly indirectly. So I was just pushing the issue that Photoshop CS 5 is a very responsive application and though there may be a bug or two or three the transition to 64 bit is wonderful and people like Chris Cox and the others who have come to the forum so frequently lately have done a wonderful job and show a great sense of responsiveness to the small issues.
I know I thought a couple of things were major screw ups on their part and am pleased to have learnt that it was my error and not theirs. Actually their good work was a vast improvement in my workflow.
And I apologize to you if I made it seem, and I did, that i was angry and had an axe to grind.
Have a great day.
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Chris Cox wrote:
Update to 12.0.1, please.
Thank you Chris. The 12.0.1 update did it for me. I see what was happening: during a slow save when the progress bar is displayed the menus are disabled, then apparently they just weren't being ENabled after the save was finished. Must have been a relatively simple fix.
Thanks a lot for fixing it so quickly.
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Thank goodness for these forums! I had the same menu issue and the update did it.
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Where the EFF Is the UPDATE for this Gray out bug? I need it asap .. Photoshop CS5 grayed out on me and failed to save my work even after I hit command S. Thank you adobe for severly cutting into my productivity. And FYI Toon boom is better then Flash.
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Never mind found it update to 12.0.1 patch here
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Or, in Photoshop, you can go to "Updates..." in the Help menu and Adobe Application Manager will download and install the latest update for you.
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Dan at Power wrote:
Or, in Photoshop, you can go to "Updates..." in the Help menu and Adobe Application Manager will download and install the latest update for you.
Yes, if you're lucky.
The auto updater is often broken in one way or another. This has been the situation for many years already,

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I get menu's gray out all the time..
I find if you save something you then can't quit.. I find hitting F5 twice brings the menus back to life..
I also don't see an image in the thumbnail in layers..
if you open the sharpening dialog (say Smart sharpen) the preview doe not update unless you click on it. even then it does not always update in real time.
If I run nik silver efex it creates the black and white image layer but stays B&W. If you minimise then maximise the window it then updates to B&W.
I wish I'd stuck with CS4.
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Update to 12.0.1 to correct this.

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i already did.
still the same.
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I am having the same problem with Content aware fill....did it yesterday fine and now the option is greyed out....tried saving and reopening but does not work.
Does anyone know another way of removing an object from an image and filling the background to make one image??? I am still really new to photoshop.
all good....i just had to rasterize the image and it worked again!
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Hi. I'm having the same problem. I have a relatively small file with just three layers. I am unable to even save. All menu options are grayed out. I'm only three layers in so it's not that big a deal to start over, I was just wondering if there was a way around it for next time. Thanks!
PS: hlwadell -- I haven't used content aware fill much as it never seems to work right for me. I typically use a combination of clone-stamp, patch, and opacity levels to copy over an area and then blend it. Good luck!
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Hi there,
Am having similar issues with PS5, I get the colour settings in the print area grayed out and have been on the phone to Adobe for too long and then they tell me it's Apple's problem and they then tell me it's Adobe problem. Apple said clear the cache which resolved the problem and then it came back straight after. Somebody out there must know the solution. Regards
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Am having similar issues with PS5, I get the colour settings in the print area grayed out...
That's a different issue. You should start a new topic with a more detailed description. If it is what I think (and I may be wrong) you are just seeing a change in behavior in the print dialog when you have selected Photoshop to manage your color when printing. If you choose for the printer to manage the conversion, the regular color setting should become available.
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Time to be more specific and thanks for the recent comments. This is to do with accessing the color management options for the printer driver from the Print Settings dialog box. The Color and Color settings are grayed out. I am on the latest upgrade 12.02 Cheers JP
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What version of the OS and what printer and version of the printer driver are you using?
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Hi Tom,
Using 10.6.5 and Epson v.3.09
All the best
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Which printer? Generally when this is happening with Epsons, it's for one of 2 reasons:
1- Old drivers or other printer drivers interfering with new ones
2- Having the new driver but not installing the Common Updater
The solution is to remove the printer from the system prefs then go to /Library/Printers/EPSON/ and remove everything. Now go to Epson's site and download the latest driver and the Common Updater. Install the driver and then the updater. If you have more than one Epson printer installed be aware that they might not all be compatible with each other in terms of software, installing the common updater for one may cause other Epson printers to stop working correctly (generally an issue using older and newer printers on the same Mac).
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Hi Tom,
I have an Epson Pro 4000 and thanks for this I will give that a go tomorrow.
All the best
Jonathan Pollock
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The latest they have posted is:
Macintosh Operating Systems
Macintosh OS X (v10.4.11 - v10.5.x), Intel-based Macs with OS X (v10.4.11 - v10.6.x)
epson14179.dmg - 29MB - posted on 01/05/11
Intel-based Macs with OS X (v10.5.x - 10.6.x), PowerPC Macs with OS X (v10.5 - 10.5.x)
epson13908.dmg - 30.2MB - posted on 06/16/10
3.08 was for 10.4, so that's definitely going to be issue. Apple went to all CUPS printer drivers in 10.5 and has made even a few more changes in 10.6.