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Photoshop CS5 Very Slow Liquify

Explorer ,
May 08, 2010 May 08, 2010

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I've noticed that in Photoshop CS5, Liquify just works terribly slowly. When I click and drag to distort an image, the image gets distorted sometimes even 10 seconds after I've lifted my hand. Sometimes I have to wait 30-40 seconds for the distortions to happen before I can regain control of Photoshop.

Also, panning is a bit more choppy than in CS4, which annoys me a lot, as it was the case with CS4 compared to CS3, etc... I predict that panning in CS7 will look like a slideshow.

And another thing, when you Flick-Pan, and release the mouse, the canvas flies across the screen, and during that flying animation, in CS4, you could still zoom in and out with the keyboard. In CS5, you have to wait until the canvas has slowed down to a stop to be able to zoom. This is also a strange feature.

Adobe said CS5 will have performance improvements, and I can see filters, adjustments and brushes perform a tiny bit better, but basic things like panning, zooming and liquify got MUCH worse and less responsive, and this is not worth the tradeoff for me, since I use these features very frequently, many times a second.

I use a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet most of the time, and I noticed that Liquify is much faster (although still too slow for me to use it) when I use my trackpad instead of the pen.

I'm using the Photoshop CS5 trial now, and I have Photoshop CS3 and CS4 both installed on the same computer, so I can tell that CS3 ran much faster, CS4 was a bit slower and CS5 is a LOT slower. I'm using a late 2008 15 inch Unibody MacBook Pro with 9600M / 9400M graphics, 4GB RAM and 2.53 GHz CPU, and speed gets a bit better when using the 9600M.

Here are my questions:

  • Has anyone else had any of these problems, especially Liquify?
  • Has anyone else used CS5 and noticed that Liquify runs just fine?
  • Does anyone have any suggestions of what I could try to cure any of these problems?
  • Is it possible that this is the way Photoshop CS5 should run on my computer, due to my hardware limitations and bloated software?




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replies 158 Replies 158
Adobe Employee ,
Jun 28, 2010 Jun 28, 2010

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Hi Kim,

The updated version of the plug-in will be available to the public via a Photoshop update.

Beta testing of the plug-in is now closed.

However, the updated Liquify plug-in affects brushing in Liquify only. It will not address any Save/Load Mesh issues.

I am not aware of any lag in Save/Load. Is this new behavior for CS5 for you? Did CS4 behave the same way on the same system?

Thank you,





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New Here ,
Jun 28, 2010 Jun 28, 2010

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Hi Meredith,

Thank you very much for a promt reply.

I don't have this problem w cs4. Cs5 saves my mesh files as 228mb, while in cs4 it was 33mb for the same file. This is on a 493mb psd (originally a tif from capture1, shot on  a phase one p40+ back). Seems odd to me that a mesh file need to be that large even for a high quality file?

I am currently running a trial and working off a mac mini w 4gb 1067 MHz ram, 2.53 ghz intel core duo 2 and with 211 gb free space.

Does the cs5 only work well with meshes on faster machines? It would be great to know with thoughts on buying the new cs, which seems great in all other ways so far!

Thank you so much,




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New Here ,
Jul 25, 2010 Jul 25, 2010

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Hi Meredith,

Please send me the plugin also.

tomasz at houseofretouching.com

Thank you





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Jul 25, 2010 Jul 25, 2010

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Tomek - see post #84.




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Explorer ,
Jul 26, 2010 Jul 26, 2010

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There's an update that should run if you open the Adobe Updater. It replaces the old plugin with the fixed version, so there's no longer need to ask for it in e-mail. This is the official solution.




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 11, 2010 Jun 11, 2010

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Just a minor point. While the keyboard shortcut for zooming in works with the Liquify filter, this is not the case for "Cmd -", which has the opposite effect of its intended purpose (that is instead of zoom out it also zooms in. For me, this problem has only arisen so far using Liquify. It is bothersome and I hope it can be cleared up.




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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2010 Jun 12, 2010

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How long is it going to take to fix this liquify problem?? Come one guys I need it to work now and better than in CS4 not worse!!! Otherwise why did I spend almost 1K to upgrade???

Looking into the problem isn't enough!!! I need a solution since I use the liquify tool for almost 99.9% of my images (fashion/beauty photography retouching).

Is there a temporary fix??? using the CS4 liquify plugin into the CS5 software?????

do  a google search on slow liquify and see what comes up..... still pretty nice and insecure requests for the reason why it is so slow because users think it is their machine (computer) but if I don't get an answer and fi very soon (couple of days at the most) this nice and insecurity will vanish for a HUGE ADOBE ass kicking campaign !!! Since photoshop is known for their arrogantly slow updates for their software and waits till the next big update to correct things....I am not going to wait 18 months for you guys to fix the liquify problem!!!

SO GET TO IT NOW!!!!! So I can do my work and make enough money to keep spending on adobe upgrades!

And as a side note...didn't you "wizzards" have enough time to discover this BIG problem beforehand?? Or were you to busy fighting with Apple about your huge Flash problem??




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Jun 12, 2010 Jun 12, 2010

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ndbmphoto - as you can see from post 29 onward, Adobe has a fix that is being tested.

Next time, please consider reading the posts in the topic before posting a rant.




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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2010 Jun 12, 2010

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Well, great chief, I signed up to test the fix but have not received it. I would think Adobe would be shipping that down to us post haste to cover their embarrassment for the many CS5 failures. Did you have a date for us rude and impatient paying customers when we could hope for some help?
Bill Eger




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Jun 12, 2010 Jun 12, 2010

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Meredith may already have enough testers working on it (in addition to internal testers).

No, we don't have a date yet.  But we should have news soon.




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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2010 Jun 12, 2010

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Wow you Adobe guys cop it eh. So Chris on be half of the polite majority please accept my apologies.

I too work with Liquify every day, and lament it's non-useability as it stands. But really Bill & NDBM,

get a life. Go back to CS4 like I did, and wait a bit. Think of your ulcer, relax a little.

I've been using PS since 2.5, before layers and history existed. I  give thanks and praise to the Adobe gods every time

I use this exalted program.

We have a long weekend down my way, but look forward to trying the patch on Tuesday.




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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2010 Jun 12, 2010

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Dear le masurier,

If you were familiar with my posts here you might note that my most urgent need is for Adobe to succeed. Creative Suite isn't a game to most of us but a valuable tool needed to make our living. Any cavalier attitude toward complaints that Adobe isn't living up to their end of the contract are out of place. Consider bp as it did something wrong and is responsible for millions of gallons of crude fouling the Gulf of Mexico.

While I am generally an extraordinarily polite and elderly gentleman in Hawai`i, I do have some problems with the evident nonchalance of SOME Adobe tech support folks -- who get paid whether CS5 works or doesn't, it seems -- who have a peculiarly non-professional stance on some of these forum pages. Chris Cox, who has his name among those who worked on the Photoshop CS5 code, possibly hasn't learned the great wisdom in Disney's, "If you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all."

Neither have I adopted silence when an impatient blurt comes toward a paying customer in pain who complains about expensive CS5 qualities and promises that have not been kept.

Was it also Disney who said, "The customer is always right?" No, the origin is much older but still worth consideration.

One wonders how quickly Adobe would have gotten around to reaching me had their accountants received a note from my bank that my payment for CS5 had bounced. In other words, what I produced in payment didn't work as promised. My doubt soars that they would have waited until they had their product working before asking me to send another form of payment.




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Mentor ,
Jun 12, 2010 Jun 12, 2010

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You might find the thread linked below of interest:





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Mentor ,
Jun 12, 2010 Jun 12, 2010

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However, Mr, Cox is one of the good guys at Adobe.




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New Here ,
Jun 13, 2010 Jun 13, 2010

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Bill EGER you are soooooo right!!

Adobe knew before bringing CS5 to the market that liquify and some other parts of their product didn't work as should! So as BP they did something WRONG!! knowingly!

I purchases CS5 master suite so paid A LOT of money for the upgrade and have been doing so for YEARS!... I understand that new tools might have to mature over several upgrades...BUT I also expect that old tools improve and not like liquify get worse (CS3 worked perfect, CS4 got slower but had a bigger brush circle and now CS5 it just doesn't work).

Am I frustrated? YES, because out of experience I know it takes Adobe a looooong time to correct their errors...sometimes not until their next upgrade.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 14, 2010 Jun 14, 2010

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Hi everyone,

Thank you for the feedback so far.

For those who posted or sent a Private Message with their e-mail addresses, I've sent the plug-in.

Sorry for any delay for those who posted Friday evening or later, I did not bring work home this weekend. Thanks for your patience.

For anyone who would like a copy of the fix-candidate for the Liquify CS5 plug-in, please send me a Private Message via U2U forum or post your e-mail here (be sure to use "at" and "dot" to avoid the auto spam bots).

Thanks again,


Photoshop Engineering Team




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 14, 2010 Jun 14, 2010

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Thanks for sending the plug-in as requested.




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New Here ,
Jun 14, 2010 Jun 14, 2010

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Tuesday here now and I've just given the new plug in a quick run and so far it works a treat. Thank you.

I'll let you know if I come across any glitches, but so far the wacom seems to love it.


and it was a lovely long weekend, thanks for asking.




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 15, 2010 Jun 15, 2010

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Most seem to agree that the plug-in worked.

So, exactly how will the rest of us get the fix? Will it come as a plug-in or an update, or what? And, when may we expect it?





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 15, 2010 Jun 15, 2010

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It will be delivered, along with several other fixes, in a forthcoming update. We're currently testing all the fixes. We don't have an exact ETA, but we're hoping to push out the update in the very near future. Thanks to those who helped test the Liquify plug-in fix.




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New Here ,
Jun 17, 2010 Jun 17, 2010

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sorry wrong text




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 17, 2010 Jun 17, 2010

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The fix works great.




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New Here ,
Jun 17, 2010 Jun 17, 2010

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Dear readers

Im hqaving problems with my liquifyfilter slow whe a usb esxternal hard disk is connected

I've read that there is a little fix available through email

would you be so kind to post it to me

[email address delted by host]

thanks a lot

Frans Paalman [signature edited by host]




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New Here ,
Jun 18, 2010 Jun 18, 2010

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Waiting for plugin




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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 18, 2010 Jun 18, 2010

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Thanks to everyone who looked at the replacement candidate for the Liquify plug-in!

We really appreciate the feedback.

A Liquify update will be available publicly in the very near future.

I will not be able to follow-up with further requests to email the plug-in to individuals.

Thank you again for the response!

Photoshop Engineering Team




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