Photoshop CS5 Very Slow Liquify
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I've noticed that in Photoshop CS5, Liquify just works terribly slowly. When I click and drag to distort an image, the image gets distorted sometimes even 10 seconds after I've lifted my hand. Sometimes I have to wait 30-40 seconds for the distortions to happen before I can regain control of Photoshop.
Also, panning is a bit more choppy than in CS4, which annoys me a lot, as it was the case with CS4 compared to CS3, etc... I predict that panning in CS7 will look like a slideshow.
And another thing, when you Flick-Pan, and release the mouse, the canvas flies across the screen, and during that flying animation, in CS4, you could still zoom in and out with the keyboard. In CS5, you have to wait until the canvas has slowed down to a stop to be able to zoom. This is also a strange feature.
Adobe said CS5 will have performance improvements, and I can see filters, adjustments and brushes perform a tiny bit better, but basic things like panning, zooming and liquify got MUCH worse and less responsive, and this is not worth the tradeoff for me, since I use these features very frequently, many times a second.
I use a Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet most of the time, and I noticed that Liquify is much faster (although still too slow for me to use it) when I use my trackpad instead of the pen.
I'm using the Photoshop CS5 trial now, and I have Photoshop CS3 and CS4 both installed on the same computer, so I can tell that CS3 ran much faster, CS4 was a bit slower and CS5 is a LOT slower. I'm using a late 2008 15 inch Unibody MacBook Pro with 9600M / 9400M graphics, 4GB RAM and 2.53 GHz CPU, and speed gets a bit better when using the 9600M.
Here are my questions:
- Has anyone else had any of these problems, especially Liquify?
- Has anyone else used CS5 and noticed that Liquify runs just fine?
- Does anyone have any suggestions of what I could try to cure any of these problems?
- Is it possible that this is the way Photoshop CS5 should run on my computer, due to my hardware limitations and bloated software?
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We're aware of the issue, and are currently working to try to get it fixed. Thanks.
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Thanks, I'm happy Adobe is aware of this and hope it gets fixed soon! Does this apply to the Liquefy problem only, or the Panning as well?
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We are aware of the Liquify problem. Any other slowness is another matter entirely, which we haven't seen.

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Hi, I've got a real problem with flick panning too. When comparing the same image on CS4 and CS5 there is a marked difference between the two - being much slower and more slugish in CS5. This is a real problem for me and is seriously affecting my workflow. I'm using an i7 MacBook Pro and was expecting the new 64bit Photoshop to fly - it's not...
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I'm relieved I'm not the only one with the panning issue, I'm sure not many people are reporting it as an issue since it's not something that big, but I just find it annoying that I bought an expensive computer (MacBook Pro 2.53 GHz with 4GB RAM) and I thought Photoshop will run perfectly fine, especially for things so simple as panning, but in reality it's not the case. I like to feel that when I move the image around, I'm actually controlling it, and it doesn't just load slowly, trailing behind my cursor.
Panning was perfect in CS3, and a bit slower but still fine in CS4, which can be justified by the new Flick Panning option, however, in CS5, there is no new feature for panning, so I don't understand why it's much slower. It makes me feel as if my computer was getting old already, but as I see you have the newest MacBook Pro and you also have the issue.
I hope they realise that this is a real problem and do something about it, because if it goes on like this, CS6 will run like a slideshow and CS7 will require you to wait 10 minutes after each brush stroke or panning movement.
All I can say is that I'm happy I only used the Trial, and I'm definitely not going to buy CS5 or any future version of Photoshop for that matter until this simple but basic issue gets fixed.
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Last I checked, this thread was about slow Liquify, not about slow panning.
I'm sorry you're having issues with panning. It would really help if you could create a new thread so that we can track it there, but for now, some questions:
Does the slow panning occur when OGL is disabled?
If it only occurs when it is enabled, are you sure you're using the correct GPU in your MBP?
There's a power-saving version (which AFAIK runs by default) and then a better GPU which you need to specify via system prefs. Go to System Preferences and click on Energy Saver. At the top of that dialog there's a Graphics setting. Is it set to "better battery life" or "higher performance"? Try setting it to Higher Performance and then try panning again (w/OGL enabled).

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Ok, going to start a new thread on this (see Photoshop CS5 Slow Panning)...
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In case you missed this memo:
Subject: IMPORTANT: Plug-ins to replace before running the Photoshop 12.0.1 live patch
Dear Photoshop customer,
You have been identified as someone who may have replaced plug-ins that were not in the 12.0 shipping version of Photoshop. In order to run the 12.0.1 patch that will be released later tonight at 9pm PST, you will need to replace the 12.0.1 beta versions with the 12.0 versions of the plugins. Here are the 3 plugins that are known to be affected:
- Liquify
- MultiProcessor Support
- ScriptingSupport
Here are the full paths for each plugin:
Adobe Photoshop CS5/Plug-Ins/Extensions/MultiProcessor Support.plugin
Adobe Photoshop CS5/Plug-Ins/Extensions/ScriptingSupport.plugin
Adobe Photoshop CS5/Plug-Ins/Filters/Liquify.plugin
*Note: you only need to replace the beta version of the plugin you were given (not all three plugins)*
Once you have replaced these files, you will be able to successfully run the 12.0.1 patch installer via Help > Updates.
If you have forwarded beta versions of these plugins to anyone else, please also forward this email so they can successfully run the patch.
Barry Young
Quality Engineering Manager, Photoshop
I have attached the 12.0 Liquify plug-in for anyone who did not keep it in a safe place.
Thank you for your help,

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Hello. I downloaded the plugin, but I can't get it to work. When I double click it, I get the message "Could not complete your request because Photoshop does not recognize this type of file."
I've just downloaded CS5 as a trial. This computer (MacBook Pro) has had no other version of Photoshop. Liquify doesn't work at all, or if it does, it's so slow I give up waiting for anything to happen and cancel the operation. How do I get my program to recognize the update/fix?
Thanks for any help you can give,
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Did you install the latest Photoshop update?
There shouldn't be a single plugin to download, just the entire dot release that includes the fixes.

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Where do I find that update? I downloaded the program that was available today on the Adode website for a CS5 photoshop trial.
Best -- Catherine
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Go to the Help menu and select "Updates...".

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Worked like a charm. I downloaded the update that was just published
a few days ago.
Best -- Catherine
>Go to the Help menu and select "Updates...".
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i just loaded CS5 yesterday (incl all updates) and Liquify is so slow as to be useless. I have an iMac 3.06 i% 12gb RAM.
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I have the same situation. As this is very frustraiting I decided today to reinstall Photoshop cs5 from scratch, do the updates and hope that would solve my issue. No change whatsoever. Liquify is still terribly slow.
Mac Pro 2.8 Octa 14GB RAM
The very frustraited retoucher
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amen! good luck with that. When i first started using it i thought
something was wrong with my mac since nothing seemed to be happening...then
all of a sudden a bunch of changes would show up (of course NOT what I
wanted to happen)...i did a full install and update with no luck.
everything else that i've seen so far seems good. i really like this
tool...i think i'll ping a bunch of my pals in mu local photo club and see
if any of them are experiencing the same thing and if so, how they fixed
it...if i get a good answer i'll post it up!
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Just discovered it works great on my MBP which is less powerful than my iMac! Man that makes no sense.
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Which could mean that you have a software conflict, or a driver issue causing the problem.
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I have no clue on how to figure that one out. Maybe start with both machines just running cs5 and start to add apps and see what happens. On my iMac I usually have LR3 open as well as iTunes, safari, photomatix. Do I need to look at system settings on both? Any clues on where to start?
Thanks Chris!
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I think there is a very serious problem with CS4 remaining in systems after CS5 is installed.
My MacBookPro was displaying VERY NOISY images in Photoshop.
WORST was the failure of CS5 Design Premium to link to Photo Downloader, the vital link for changing all raw image formats to Adobe's very good DNG.
If you are having this problem and were told by Adobe to uninstall CS4. Reinstall CS5 and then reinstall CS4 for this problem, just laugh and go to this link:
It will solve your problem with a hidden Adobe installation file.
try it, you'll like it.
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Please HELP!
Forgive me - I know this is off subject. But, I can’t find ANY place else to get help including Adobe Tech in India.
I am registered in the forum and have a Mac with PS CS5 extended. But, I'm very old and not very smart.
QUESTION: How do I start a NEW subject? And then, how do I get the replies from it to appear in my emails?
Thank you SO much.
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Hey Big Jimm,
No worry, there are lots of us old guys out here. Only way to survive the 'new update jitters' is to ponder how it could possibly be that a company as big as Adobe could make so many big-money customers so mad. Weird, ain't it?
But I'm 75 and the only thing wrong with that -- well, not the ONLY thing -- is that even when I get something figured out I have to backtrack and learn it yet again tomorrow.
Be patient. And while you're waiting for tech support to answer the phone, make a list of all the things Adobe should do right but doesn't.
Then make another list about the neat stuff you can do when the apps work.
Cowboy Bill
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You could always do the edit > purge all
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I have the same problem but ONLY if I use my Wacom tablet (Intuos 3). For now I switch to my mouse to do Liquifications and it seems to respond as quickly as in CS4. Actually, I used to do switch to the mouse for that sometimes anyway since it somehow seems to give me a little better fine control....