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Photoshop patches made my photoshop go from loading from seconds to minutes.. AGAIN!

Explorer ,
Sep 03, 2022 Sep 03, 2022

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Back in June, I posted a note about Photoshop taking a lot longer to load up, it used to be within seconds and then it went to minutes with a patch update, see here:



I forgot to post when I did get a patch that made Photoshop load quicker. However, Out of the last 2-3 patches, somehow, Photoshop is back to loading in minutes and similary in time, if i don't use File > open to open a document, it also takes minutes for a document to open.


This is seriously harming my time/workflow.

Someone help!



Bug info:

1. version 23.5.0

2. Windows 11 home 21h2

3. I updated Photoshop

4. Patched Photoshop with whatever new enchancements and bug fixes, ended up getting slower from seconds to minutes in loading photoshop and loading docs when not using File > Open.

//Signature// I'm a creator. I love illustration, designing, animating , writing, voice overs, acting, making games .. Woo woo!






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Sep 04, 2022 Sep 04, 2022

Have you seen if there was a Windows update on your computer.

Also cool you are making games. I was just at Devcom and Gamescom in Cologne Germany!  Been going for years as press. 



Community Expert ,
Sep 04, 2022 Sep 04, 2022

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Have you seen if there was a Windows update on your computer.

Also cool you are making games. I was just at Devcom and Gamescom in Cologne Germany!  Been going for years as press. 





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Explorer ,
Sep 25, 2022 Sep 25, 2022

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Hmm well my photoshop didn't update but creative cloud did and now photoshop is working fine again.. Perhaps there was a window update that occurred by itself in the middle of all of this..  I see one occurred on 9/14 which I don't recall applying myself. Perhaps that did it or the creative cloud update did it.. but I uguess I'm ok now 😄 Thanks for your reply.


Yes, I am into making games. I used to make flash games. In 2020, I made a Adobe Animate HTML5 game where you clicked on pumpkins to try to find the one that held a secret item. We used it as a promotional tool to let our logo design customers find the magic pumpkin for halloween and if they found it and sent the code inside it to our email, the first person got a free animated logo design. 

I would like to get more into using Unity3D and make a game with that. That's cool you went to Devcom and Gamescom. I have only been to local events when I was in NY for some game jams and a Microsoft led gaming group.



//Signature// I'm a creator. I love illustration, designing, animating , writing, voice overs, acting, making games .. Woo woo!





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