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pressure sensitivity of Wacom tablet not working anymore

Community Beginner ,
Feb 13, 2013 Feb 13, 2013

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I have a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet, photoshop CS6 and Windows 7.  I have no idea why, but the pressure sensitivity of my tablet won't work anymore.  I did a search on google to see if others had had the same problem, on a forum (I can't remember where) I found a solution that seems to have worked for many so I tried that...  Roughly, it said to uninstall my wacom driver, unplug the tablet, reboot, install driver, plug in the tablet and reset my preferences in photoshop.  I've done this last night and it worked, I was thrilled but it was late, was exhausted, so I turned off my computer and went to bed.  When I turned it back on and went in photoshop this morning it didn't work anymore, pressure sensitivity was gone again.  I get this little warning in my brush settings when I try to put it on Pen Pressure or tilt or other setting that requires pressure sensitivity, but it doesn't tell me how to fix it.  The only way I can get it to work is with the process I mentionned (uninstalling driver, unplugging tablet, rebooting etc...) but I'd need to do this every time I shut down my computer and that's a bit of a pain...  I've also tried installing different drivers, the latest one first, when that didn't work I tried older ones to see if it would make a difference to no avail...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!  I'm starting to feel a little desperate...






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

May 07, 2013 May 07, 2013

I did read your post and found nothing that contradicts my statements.  But we've looked into these issues many times - and this sort of problem is due to the driver or hardware.

Yes, if you don't know the code or APIs involved, you might jump to bad conclusions.

But I do know what all is involved (and the fact that the Adobe apps don't share tablet code), and have sat down and debugged these issues more times than I can recall.

Please follow up with Wacom to determine the problem with your drivers




New Here ,
Aug 21, 2016 Aug 21, 2016

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Well that's all nice, but i got the problem of not having an app section in the wacom tablet properties.

I do have the newest version of my wacom bamboo tablet driver, and i can't find that section at all.

can someone help me find that?

i'm using windows 10 and photoshop CC 2015.5





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New Here ,
Dec 25, 2020 Dec 25, 2020

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Hey there, i know this is over 7 years later, but i've encountered the same problem in 2020. After some digging, i found that neither Photoshop, nor Wacom were causing this problem, at least not in 2020. The problem was Windows Ink. I had that disabled with a text file(PSUserConfig) in the Photoshop settings before, and after i deleted them, the file was gone and Windows Ink was enabled again. After i made a new file to disable it again, the issue was gone. Please highlight this message so anyone who stumbles upon this issue and this post in the future can find the solution.





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Explorer ,
Dec 16, 2021 Dec 16, 2021

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Vladimir posted the actual fix on the first page of this post.


With my apologies to him, here is his fix:


"Hello Trevor,

I must say I use cs6 Photoshop and works all perfectly so why not working in Ps cc 2014!?

This is obviously Adobe problem why cause intuos pro working in all app include illustrator cc but pressure only not working in Ps cc and here is problem solution.


So please kindly say yes this is problem and here is solution or in new upgrade please do something.

here is solution:


For such issues with Photoshop CC 2014 you should deselect 'windows ink'.


And now, the next might fix the pen pressure while windows ink is off:


1. Uncheck ‘Use Windows Ink’ in the driver.

2. Create a file that contains instructions to revert to the WinTab functionality.


How to create the file and where to put it:


a. Create a text file in a text editor such as Notepad.

Type in the following lines:

# Use WinTab

UseSystemStylus 0


b. Save the file as a plain text file named PSUserConfig.txt .


c. put (copy) the file into the Photoshop settings folder: C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014\Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 Settings\


Restart your Photoshop CC, check the pen pressure/ overall performance.


Kind regards,



This works. I have to search for this solution (it's posted other places to be fair) every time I build a new workstation and plug in my trusty Intuos Tablet. Hope you found this fix already but if not, hope you read this now!







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