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Pressure Sensitivity Problems

New Here ,
May 27, 2023 May 27, 2023

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Someone please help, I'm losing my mind. I have a fairly cheap drawing tablet that has worked for years without problem. It connects via USB and is Huion branded. Today Photoshop was not recognizing that the tablet has pressure sensitivity (it does, and has never given me a problem before). I check the tablet settings and test the pressure sentivity in the app that houses the settings for the pen and tablet, and the pressure sensitivity works great! Photoshop still doesn't let me use pressure sensitivity at all, only showing the traingle with !. I have updated my tablet drivers, Nvidia graphics drivers, I downladed the new update of photoshop, uninstalled the old drivers, disabled openCL, reverted to default preferences... NOTHING IS WORKING. I know my tablet and pen are working because I can test it directly on my computer. There is only a problem when I try to use Photoshop. Any troubleshooting advice I find is about updating the drivers and trying to fix a broken tablet, which ISN'T what I have. If anyone can help, I feel like I'm going insane tring to fix this.







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