Hi everyone,
I need to know if I'm wrong or there is a bug in Photoshop
I have a psd file with, from top to bottom, 1 group, and 1 layer
inside the group there are, from top to bottom, an adjustement layer with a stroke layer effect, a pic layer, and a background layer
when I select everything, the "new york times" group and the "FOTO SINDACO" layer, and then I right clik on both and I choose "QUICK EXPORT" (I set jpg with maximum quality in Photoshop preferences),
the exported file from bottom layer shows an error: it has the adjustement layer with stroke over the pic...
see what I'm talking about:
this circle stroke stays in upper group, and in this group there is a background layer that shoud stop any transfer mode or transparency, or any mask...
In a second PSD file, I have a similar problem
see the layer structure:
the Group 01 and 02 are identical;
If I select both groups and right click to "quick export", this is what I have:
The upper group, "02", is exported correctly, the text layer of the lower group is not, there is something wrong, but I don't know what happens, every group has a background layer inside innormal transfer mode...
the only solution to export everything correctly, is to merge every group in one layer before the quick export... but I don't want to lose the editing properties of layers content...
Any suggest?
Thank you everyone, and sorry for my bad english (I'm from Italy)
Photoshop 25.11.0 (I had same situation with older releases of Photoshop)
Win 11