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Greetings to everyone
I have this code but it has a problem
var searchWord = prompt("Enter the word to search for:", "", "Search Word");
var textColor = new SolidColor(); = 255; = 0; = 0;
var activeLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer;
if (activeLayer.kind === LayerKind.TEXT) {
var textItem = activeLayer.textItem;
var textContents = textItem.contents;
var txt = activeDocument.activeLayer.textItem.contents.toLowerCase(); // "blablablabla Sport blablablabla sport blablabla Sports";
var idx = [];
var newTextContents = textContents.replace(new RegExp(searchWord, 'gi'),+ searchWord );
//var idx = searchWord;
for (var i = 0; i < searchWord.length; i++)
searchWord[i].color = textColor;
textItem.contents = newTextContents;
//textItem.color = textColor;
I search for a word within a text layer, but when I use the code, I see results (Nan)
I want to modify the code to show the search results and change the color of the search results words to red
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Why is the + sign needed here?
var newTextContents = textContents.replace(new RegExp(searchWord, 'gi'),+ searchWord );
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If I remember correctly DOM code did not use to be able to color individual words in a Type Layer so AM code needed to be used.
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Record changing the color of a word in a Type Layer with ScriptingListener.plugin and then clean up the resulting code and wrap in in a function that takes meaningful arguments.
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// typeLayerChangeColorOfSpefifiedWords.jsx
// apply color to specified words of selected type layer;
// 2023, use it at your own risk;
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
var theNewColor = [255,128,0];
var theRegeExp = /456/gi;
try {
var theRanges = new Array;
var theStyleRanges = new Array;
// get font of active layer;
var ref = new ActionReference();
ref.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID("Lyr "), charIDToTypeID("Ordn"), charIDToTypeID("Trgt") );
var layerDesc = executeActionGet(ref);
var layerSet = typeIDToStringID(layerDesc.getEnumerationValue(stringIDToTypeID("layerSection")));
var isBackground = layerDesc.getBoolean(stringIDToTypeID("background"));
var theName = layerDesc.getString(stringIDToTypeID('name'));
// if not layer group collect values;
if (layerSet != "layerSectionEnd" && layerSet != "layerSectionStart" && isBackground != true) {
var hasText = layerDesc.hasKey(stringIDToTypeID("textKey"));
if (hasText == true) {
var textDesc = layerDesc.getObjectValue(stringIDToTypeID('textKey'));
var theText = textDesc.getString(stringIDToTypeID('textKey'));
// get indices for string;
var indicesCount = 0;
var theIndices = new Array;
var cnt = 0;
while ((result = theRegeExp.exec(theText))!=null) {
theIndices.push([result.index, result.index+result[0].length, cnt])
// get properties;
var paragraphRangeList = textDesc.getList(stringIDToTypeID('paragraphStyleRange'));
var kernRange = textDesc.getList(stringIDToTypeID('kerningRange'));
var rangeList = textDesc.getList(stringIDToTypeID('textStyleRange'));
// process the list to get an array of styles and one array of the indices;
for (var o = 0; o < rangeList.count; o++) {
var thisList = rangeList.getObjectValue(o);
var theFrom = thisList.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('from'));
var theTo = thisList.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID('to'));
var styleDesc = thisList.getObjectValue(stringIDToTypeID('textStyle'));
// add to array;
if (o == 0) {
theRanges.push([theFrom, theTo]);
if (o > 0 && theFrom != theRanges[theRanges.length - 1][0] /*&& theTo != theRanges[theRanges.length - 1][1]*/) {
theRanges.push([theFrom, theTo]);
// change text;
// =======================================================
var idTxtt = charIDToTypeID( "Txtt" );
var idFrom = charIDToTypeID( "From" );
var idT = charIDToTypeID( "T " );
var idTxtS = charIDToTypeID( "TxtS" );
var idTxLr = charIDToTypeID( "TxLr" );
var idTxt = charIDToTypeID( "Txt " );
var desc6 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putEnumerated( idTxLr, charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" ), charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" ));
desc6.putReference( idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" ), ref1 );
var desc7 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc7.putString( idTxt, theText );
var list2 = new ActionList();
// define each letter individually;
var theIndex = 0;
var thisStyleRange = theStyleRanges[theIndex];
var originalColor = theStyleRanges[theIndex].getObjectValue(stringIDToTypeID('color'));
var thisRange = theRanges[theIndex];
var targetStart = theIndices[indicesCount][0];
var targetEnd = theIndices[indicesCount][1];
for (var m = 0; m < theText.length; m++) {
// check for relevant style range;
if (m == thisRange[1]) {
var thisStyleRange = theStyleRanges[theIndex];
var originalColor = theStyleRanges[theIndex].getObjectValue(stringIDToTypeID('color'));
var thisRange = theRanges[theIndex];
// apply style range but change the color;
var desc14 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc14.putInteger( idFrom, m );
desc14.putInteger( idT, m+1 );
var desc15 = new ActionDescriptor();
var desc15 = thisStyleRange;
if (m >= targetStart && m < targetEnd) {
var a1 = new ActionDescriptor();
a1.putDouble(stringIDToTypeID('red'), theNewColor[0]);
a1.putDouble(stringIDToTypeID('grain'), theNewColor[1]);
a1.putDouble(stringIDToTypeID('blue'), theNewColor[2]);
desc15.putObject(stringIDToTypeID('color'), stringIDToTypeID('RGBColor'), a1);
} else {
desc15.putObject(stringIDToTypeID('color'), stringIDToTypeID('RGBColor'), originalColor)
if (m == targetEnd && indicesCount < theIndices.length-1) {
var targetStart = theIndices[indicesCount][0];
var targetEnd = theIndices[indicesCount][1];
desc14.putObject( idTxtS, idTxtS, desc15 );
list2.putObject( idTxtt, desc14 );
var desc7 = new ActionDescriptor();
var list3 = new ActionList();
for (var n = kernRange.count-1; n >= 0; n--) {
var thisOne = kernRange.getObjectValue(n);
var desc15 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc15.putInteger( idFrom, thisOne.getInteger(charIDToTypeID("From")) );
desc15.putInteger( idT, thisOne.getInteger(charIDToTypeID( "T " )) );
desc15.putInteger( charIDToTypeID( "Krng" ), thisOne.getInteger(stringIDToTypeID("kerning")));
list3.putObject( stringIDToTypeID( "kerningRange"), desc15);
desc7.putList( idTxtt, list2 );
desc7.putList( stringIDToTypeID( "kerningRange"), list3);
desc6.putObject( idT, idTxLr, desc7 );
executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "setd" ), desc6, DialogModes.NO );
catch (e) {};
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@Mohamed Hameed , I added code to my previous post, have you tested it yet?
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thank you for helping me
Excuse me sir
I put the code in and tried it, but I didn't understand how it worked
Please explain how the code works by changing the color of the selected words
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var theNewColor = [255,128,0];
defines the new color
var theRegeExp = /456/gi;
definess the RegExp to be replaced.
I checked with a Type Layer combining different fonts, sizes etc. and those seem to be maintained.
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Very very very great
I understood the idea and the code works very well. Thank you very much for your help
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Glad it works!
I expect a couple of the regulars would be able to achieve the same result with way fewer lines of code but unless you have to process huge numbers of files/Type Layers I think the time the Scirpt takes should be acceptable.