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Saving as a batch

Community Beginner ,
May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024

Copy link to clipboard


I have created an entire alphabet set where each letter is an individual PNG, each letter on an indidivual layer in one psd.

As I require these to be saved as 300 DPI, I set an action to automatically save each layer with 300 dpi after cropping excess pixels etc.


To do this, I first saved every layer as an individual layer ( File > export > Layers to files )  in a folder

Then performed the action to save each of those psds as a PNG. This is amazing to me as I was saving them individual before which is quite time consuming.


The only problem is, that every single png file name has the word Copy after it.


E.g. Pink_Alphabet_0001_A copy.png


I do not want them to have the word copy. If I have to remove the word copy from every individual file, that somewhat negates the time I saved by using the photoshop action


I already tried unchecking the Do not append "copy" in file handling, but this did not work.


So I was wondering if anyone knew a way to make it so it does not have the word copy in a case like this? Or if there is some way to mass remove the word copy from all the files saved but retaining the rest of the info (I use windows 11)


p.s. yes I am new and that's the first time i've ever even used a photoshop action, I spent many an hour saving files individually one by one to retain the 300DPI value and now finally learnt how to save myself some time!


p.p.s. It would be cool if photoshop made it a lot simpler for people to export files as 300 dpi. I can easily export an entire alphabet by shift clicking all the layers and exporting as, but then they are 72 DPI. Unfortunately I require them to be 300 dpi and for the file to say they are 300 dpi in the metadata.


Thanks in advance for any tips!









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