Saving images to Lightroom classic
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I have been using PS and LRC for some time. Sometimes when I save a TIFF in PS it will not automatically enter the the folder in LRC. I can go to "finder" and drag into LRC.
Now the TIFF will not go into the LRC folder and when I drag from my "finder" it does not show up so can not be imported.
I have restarted both programs and they are up to date: PS - 26.4.1, LRC - 14.2
I would appreciate suggestons.
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You're not actually saving to Lightroom. You're just saving to a location on disk, just like any normal save in Photoshop.
The reason it appears in the Lightroom catalog, is that a background script tracks the file from "edit in Photoshop" all the way to the final save from Photoshop - and then adds it to the Lightroom catalog, at that disk location.
In other words, you don't need to import the saved file to the Lr catalog - the script is doing it for you, automatically.
For the script to run, both applications need to be open and running. If you close Lightroom prior to saving from Photoshop, the script stops, and then you have to manually import.
All that said, your sort order in Lightroom can sometimes trick you. The file may be imported, but end up at the end of the filmstrip, so that you don't see it next to the original.
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Thank you for your input. I realize that the file is not saved in LRC.
The script is not working - the file is present in finder but not in the LRC file structure.
My filmstrip is only 3 files so I am sure it is not there. Both programs are open and updated.
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One cannot send a file that is not a TIFF from LrC to Ps, then save as TIFF via Save>Save As or File>Save A Copy and expect it to appear in LrC -- unless TIFF has been sent from LrC to Ps, edited, then saved back to LrC via File>Save.
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I have been using PS and LRC for some time. Sometimes when I save a TIFF in PS it will not automatically enter the the folder in LRC. I can go to "finder" and drag into LRC.
By WheresRono
Please describe exaclty how you "send" a image from LR to PS and how do you go back to LR. Do you use the "Edit in Photoshop..." command in LR? After finishing your work in PS how do you save your work? Do you use the "Save" command in the File menu or do you use "Save As...."?
Now the TIFF will not go into the LRC folder and when I drag from my "finder" it does not show up so can not be imported.
By WheresRono
In this case it seems that the image is already imported in LR through the background script of the "Edit in Photoshop" function. As @D Fosse wrote check your sort order.
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In LRC I used "Edit in - open as smart object". I made my adjustments, etc, in PS then used "CMD-Shoft-S" to save. The file is saved to my folder (in Finder) but does not appear in the file structure in LRC. I realize that the file is not "saved" in LRC. There are 4 files in my Finder folder but only 3 in my LRC Folder. This has happened before and I will go ahead and import the "lost" file from Finder into the appropriate LRC folder. Now that will not even work. When I try to drag the file to LRC the 3 files already in LRC show up as darkend (already imported) files but the 4th file (recent saved file) is not present so I can not import it.
Quite an explaination but I hope it makes sense.
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When the 'link' between Lightroom Classic and Photoshop has issues, the first step is to try this:
Use the Adobe Creative Cloud Application to uninstall Photoshop. When asked, keep preferences! After this reinstall Photoshop again.
If this doesn't help the nest step is to reinstall both apps Lightroom and Photoshop. Please folloe the steps below:
1. Open the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Client and uninstall both Photoshop and Lightroom Classic. When asked, keep preferences!
2. Install Photoshop first and then Lightroom Classic. The right order is very important here!
If this doesn't help try the reinstallation with removing the preferences also.