Something for the Weekend - Part 210 - Thou shalt have a fishy!
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Thank you to everyone who participated in our previous coffee bean challenge.
This statue, of one of the last of the fish-wives in Nairn, stands life size near the harbour. I am not sure who created this bronze but the detail is excellent. For this week's Photoshop challenge - can you show her in her working environment?
The “rules”:
- Use the starter image as at least part of your own image entry.
- Anything goes, as long as it meets the forum rules on decency, copyright, etc. and is respectful to the real fishwife on who the statue is based.
- Anyone, and everyone, is welcome to have a go, whether you are a complete beginner or a Photoshop expert. This is not just for our forum “regulars”.
- There are no prizes apart from the chance to practice, show off your skills, or bring a bit of humour and fun. Don't be shy, join in and have a go!
- The starter image is made available for you to use in this forum challenge only.
To download the image, hover over the image and click on the circle with the arrows at the top right.
Then, when the image opens in its own window, right click and choose “Save Image As/Save Target As” (or similar depending on your browser).
When posting back your image — please use the blue reply button in this first post and use the 'Insert Photos' icon at the top of the reply box. If posting a comment on someone else’s entry, then please use the grey reply button next to their image post.
Have fun!
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davescm wrote "Thou shalt have a fishy"
Thanks for the ear worm, Dave. I love this song, but never realized before that it's from Geordie.
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Oh yes!
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Jane, surely it is the song that has come up most frequently here in the SFTW, most conspicuously mentioned in this (sub)thread with a few references,
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(This probably would have turned out better IF I JUST REMEMBERED TO ENABLE 16-BIT.)
/facepalm lol
"Beacon of Hope"
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Lovely lighting James - very well done.
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I am hearing spooky sound effects when looking at this James. Something like Knight Rider Kitt's scanner.
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Love Knight Rider. Have all four seasons. lol
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It irks me when we spend hours getting the details as nice as we can, and they get lost when downsized in the final upload. 😞
There's nothing left of the strap, but there was a bit of work in making it. The main thing is we enjoy putting them together, and it's always good practice.
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Oh I do like that - a whole new lease of life for her! 🙂
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This will start a whole new Apollo 11 conspiracy theory. Alex Jones will be using it as evidence by the end of the week, and his entire, Trump supporting, audience will believe it as fact.
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I was especially excited that the shadow alignment for both images lined up easily. 🙂
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It explains the breathing apparatus on her back 🙂
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The Bartholdi style
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I love that you have changed the colour to match the original. Nice job.
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Now that is a fitting tribute to her!
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Some subtle changes for an old Grand Canyon photo lol
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It must have been a long walk up from teh river carrying that basket of fish!
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Saw her in Amboseli National Park in Africa....
The Fish Wife in Amboseli National Park
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It looks like she is feeding the birds Jill.
A whole different situation to feeding a lion I guess.
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Actually my other attempt featured her standing next to 2 lionesses....
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I know what you mean when it comes to backgrounds. I had my guitar playing statue on a city pavement as a busker, and on a typical rock concert stage, but they were too busy and she was getting lost against them.
I am envious of your African National Park trip. I did several locatiions in Zimbabwe many years ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it — appart from the very early morning starts, because that's a good time to see the game apparently. Something I found interesting was that the reserves we stayed at were all run by whites who had fought against Robert Mugabe under Ian Smith. I soon discovered that _no one_ wanted to discuss that situation. My other memory is that one of the guides was killed by a hippo above Vic Falls while we were there. We found that out right after a guided trip in the same sort of canoo the guide was in when attacked. 😞
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Secretary Birds! I saw them shortly after descending Africa's tallest mountian and fell in love with them.