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What happened to the transfer mode "screen" for the layers? Is it now hidden somewhere or has it been replaced by another mode?
Then why?
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Screen is still there. Please show screenshots.
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I noticed that on students computer yesterday while teaching them compositing.
Here is the French version, as you can see, there is no more "écran" / "Screen" mode, only remain: Eclaircir (lighten) or Superposition that is closer to "Add" than "screen" result
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De mémoire le mode de fusion Screen est Superposition en français.
Tu as les traducs ici :
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Bonjour Didier,
Superposition correspond à "Add" (densité linéaire -) et sur expose beaucoup trop les valeurs contrairement à "screen". J'ai l'impression que personne n'utilise le mode "écran" en cherchant sur le net alors qu'il est présent depuis des années dans tous les softs de compo/retouche d'image, il est même présent dans After Effects. C'est ça qui m'étonne.
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Tu vas dire que je suis tétu, mais si tu places les deux menus anglais/français côte à côte Screen est bien en lieu et place de superposition; Après si tu testes dans les deux langues tu obtiens bien le même résultat…
PS : pour passer totshop en anglais il fautle fermer, ajouter un suffixe . truc(ou autre) au fichier tw10428_Photoshop_fr_FR.dat dans le dossier Locales et redémarrer
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Après c'est peut-etre une mauvaise traduction et ils auraient dû mettre Incrustation à la place de Superposition et lycée de versailles… Mais j'en doute ça fait des années que c'est comme ça.
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It's still there in the USA version, and definitely gives different results than other modes.
The way it was explained to me was Screen is like projecting two images on the same screen, and Overlay is like placing two piees of film on top of each other.
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That would mean the French ( or EU) version of photoshop got rid of this blending mode? Weird.
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Reset preferences.
There's no way they can remove Screen - that's one of the basic and most important blend modes (the inverse of Multiply).
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Thank you, I'll ask my students to do so on monday and will keep you updated. What preference action would make a specific blending mode to disappear? Mystery.
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@1k0 manually resetting your Photoshop preferences
Remember to backup your settings before doing the preference reset
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What preference action would make a specific blending mode to disappear? Mystery.
By @1k0
It's not about that. The preferences file contains the entire app configuration, much more than your own user settings. Corrupt preferences can cause unprdictable and odd behavior. The prefs file is rewritten on every application exit, in contrast to read-only program files, so it's prone to corruption from irregular shutdowns.