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I've looked into Adobe Stock. There are tons of icons available, but my search queries yield nothing good, at least not on the first two pages. So, I gave up.
Any ideas where to find good quality icons such as the ones shown below?
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Yea it's on Adobe Stock. There's a filter button on the left side which opens a panel:
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Try searching Adobe Stock for avatars.
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Thanks, but avatars only contain a person.
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It also helps to know the terminology of various styles of icons to search for - I've found this to be a pretty decent guide:
Some other styles worth mentioning are Google's "material" design and Microsoft's "Fluent" style
For your examples I think they would fall under "3D". So for the hammer, maybe searching things like:
"3d hammer icon"
"3d style hammer icon"
"3d color style hammer icon"
Also it seems that checking "individual icon" in the filters gets rid of a lot of the super basic outline-only style icons that seem to fill up the results:
With it set to filter just to individual icons it seems you can probably simplify the searches and just do something like "hammer" instead of having to specify icon.
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Are you talking about Adobe Stock? If so, I do not see such option to choose "Individual Icon"
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Yea it's on Adobe Stock. There's a filter button on the left side which opens a panel: