I am posting this comment on the PhotoShop Discussion Forum, but it could equally well belong to any other Adobe Creative app's Forum.
I have been a committed user of a wide range of Adobe apps for decades. Throughout all that time, I have been consistently frustrated by Adobe's insistence on complicated key-mouse combinations. I am one of the rare breed of literally 'single-handed' users in that my left hand is of little reliable use.
Attempting esoteric combinations such as clicking on something while simultaneously pressing the Crtl and Shift keys, for example, is something I can only do clumsilily, unreliably, and with a certain amount of discomfort.
I am all too aware that manufacturers only pay lip-service at best to accessibility issues, and then only when legislation requires them to do something. There are simply too many forms and degrees of 'disability' to cater for them all. The cost would become prohibitive.
However, for desktop or web-based software applications solutions to very specific (and uncommon) issues like mine can have wider benefits for all users. The search for a solution can encourage or even force a much needed rethink of the User Interface in general. Aren't weird combinations like I have described just a bit obscure for most users, even fully ambidextrous ones?
A solution to my problem, as just one example, might be to have a 'mode' toggle somewhere easily visible, which, when pressed with the mouse would have the same effect as the Ctrl+Shift key combination.
These are just a few of my thoughts. I would be interested in those of others, especially from within Adobe or from fellow users who face similar challenges.
Nico Aspinall