Thought I posted this already; however, was asked to post this here
First of all I am on an iMac, OS 14.1.2 using PS cc v 25.6
This is a pet peeve of mine. Don't know if this is an issue with the Windows version.
It would be extremely useful for PS to have the same brush functionality when changing the feathering of the brush. In LR and ACR when you have selected a brush and you change the feathering with the "Shift+[" or "Shift+]" you see the internal ring change size and you can see the brush on your layer so you know exactly where the feathering is.
This can not be done in PS v 25.5.6 or PS Beta, the only way is to use "Ctrl+Opt" to show the brush and when you let go you have only one circle and when you change the feathering with he "Shift+[" or "Shift+]" only see the circle get larger or smaller just like using "[" or "]" to change the size of the brush.
Please Please add this feature, if it can be in LR and ACR then it can be and should be in PS
Thanks you in advance for considering this feature, if implimented it will make all of PS Brush uses very happy.