Our company would like to use Photoshop (and later InDesign) UXP plugin with our java application server.
We use Rest Api interface.
- Because Photoshop (or InDesign desktop version) always will run on a desktop machine Rest request cause --> CORS error
- We use self signed SSL certificate for own servers. There is no user interface for enable a non secure site when I send a request --> Network error
Options for plugins (maybe in manifest.json):
- cors: true/false
- secure: true/false <--- ignore SSL certificate errors
Without some node cors proxy (eg http-proxy-middleware) it is not possible now.
I think a lot of developers would be grateful for these options.
For CEP I could turn off CEF security but the UXP does not use CEF for rendering.
It is a general network problem for UXP developers. (e.g. for InDesign is important also)