When transfering an image file from Lightroom to Photoshop, and then after Photoshop adjustments saving the file back to Lightroom, the image is given an extension file reference.
I have played with the Preference settings (in Lighgtroom) but cant seem to locate one that works.
I am trying to arrange that when I move a file {Z2A1234.cr2} from LR to PS to process it, then return it to LR, it is saved as a new file with a difernt name for example a new file name - Z2A1234-Edit.tif.
If I return the Z2A1234-Edit.tif. file to PS for further editing then back to LR it returns with a file name Z2A1234-Edit-Edit.tif etc.
If you do multiple edits the number of Edit-Edit suffix grow!!
It would be so much better to have v01, v02 , v03 etc so that you can easily determine which version is the latest.