This is something that is really annoying me. Photoshop is now sending me update prompts on my desktop. Even when I close the lightbox window it reappears every day or two. I've tried quitting Photoshop and Creative Cloud and updating my notification preferences on Creative Cloud, yet it continues to appear at the bottom right-hand side of my desktop. It's not even set up in my System Settings notifications so how and why are you doing this?
How do I switch it off and, if I can't, please can Adobe switch it off? I don't need further prompts from you suggesting I update my apps - I can see them in Creative Cloud and will decide when I update when I'm good and ready.
I'm unhappy that you even have the ability to do this on my desktop. I didn't choose to receive these notifications so please advise on how I remove them or remove completely - you're populating my work screen with unecessary information. The fact the window is still active when I have quite both CC and Photoshop is concerning in itself. PLEASE REMOVE.