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Improved tool setup and management layout

Participant ,
Nov 28, 2024 Nov 28, 2024

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I just had to reset my PC and my backup toolbar file is corrupt which left me having to manually setup my toolbar. I forgot how annoying it is to work with. 

There are 70+ tools but you can only see 10-11 at a time....if the box is manually expanded to fill the entire height of the screen. If using two columns, every other tool is in the left column but there's no indication of where it is when placing it. Adding or removing one tool can mess up the entire toolbar below it. 

A simple solution would be to offer a "Compact View" that eliminates all the dead and useless space between the names of each tool. They will ALL fit on one page without the font being too small. If not all, then at least 50 of the 70+ tools would fit just fine. 


Better would be an optoin for a "layout view" that would reflect the side by side nature of a two-column toolbar. 


Either way, the ability to only see 10-11 of 70+ tools at a time is just nuts... It reminds me of reviewing bank statements on my old flip phone of two decades ago....


Autodidactic Attention Deficit Disordered Polymath
Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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