Isnstead of all those "neural filters" I tried and never found doing anything useful for me as well as this glorious "generate" button please spend some time to make java script writing AI for Photoshop. To help us to get rid of annoying routine Photoshop so full of.
Something I would instruct like: "crop the image to all those paths saved in Path panel , and save those selected layercomps for each crop as tga files in destination folder pasting alpha1 from layercomp named alpha in those having "_a " in layercomp name.
or "make those linked smart objects show their alpha 1 of linked files, or red channel" .
or "build a layer stack of clipping groups using those selected smart objects as clipping ones"
or "relink selected smart objects to sourse files of same name from new resource folder" showing a box to paste a path to this new folder.
and so on.
ps. Or just let chatGPT access to Photoshop so it can check if whatever code it's producing is really working in Photoshop. So far it's like someone deaf talking with a blind one.