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Multi-touch trackpad constant canvas manipulation

New Here ,
Apr 14, 2022 Apr 14, 2022

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I use a 13 inch Wacom cintiq with touch turned off because of imperfect palm rejection.

I have Apple's Magic trackpad 2 right next to it, and I thought it would be great to pan, rotate and zoom my canvas, but it turns out each action is independant and it doesn't really work so well.

For example, if I try to rotate with two fingers, the action is not always detected as a rotation, it takes a second before the rotation image appears and then it's relatively difficult to rotate more than 30 degrees in one gesture.


It would be nice if there was a way to enable trackpad manipulation that resembles what you can do in Procreate on iPad, where you can naturally move, zoom and rotate with your fingers in one move.


I hope this makes sense, I think this could be a very pleasant surprise to some users, an unexpected wow moment when they realize they didn't know they needed this so bad 😛

Idea No status
macOS , Windows






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