In the newest update, the "Distribute" tools are hidden behind the three dots and a drop down menu. I use these tools often and loved how, in the previous version, they were all available in the options bar. Now, if I select multiple layers and want to distribute them and then group or merge them, which is something I do a lot in my line of work, I have to click on the dots, click on distribute, and then click away from the drop down menu to be able to use my keyboard shortcuts to merge or group. In addition, if I'm on Auto-Select and I accidentally click in my artwork and not in the artboard to get out of the drop down, I've lost my selection and have to go back in and re-select to group or merge. What was once a one click, one keyboard shortcut action has now become at best a three click, one keyboard shortcut action. This adds up if you do it a lot, and my workflow is being impacted. It would be wonderful to be able to modify the Align and Distribute tools that show up in the options bar when layers are selected. There certainly seems to be enough space to include all of them, but if for whatever reason that's not possible, a keyboard shortcut to toggle between them would be very helpful. Thank you!