I have worked for 10 years with Desktop Linux !, and whenever I wanted to buy Lightroom, but I am not going to leave my Linux for it lightroom. so I have to settle for "AfterShot Pro" it is at a good cost !, I think that Lightroom will never exist for linux
Yo llevo 10 años utilizando Linux de Escritorio, lamentablemente no puedo usar el lightroom!, existen manera no muy buenas de usarlos como con Wine, pero yo les recomiendo que utilizen el AfterShot de Corel, es muy bueno! y trabaja bien!.
Desafortunadamente no puedo decir cual es mejor pues no he podido trabajar con LightRoom, pero me dicen que es muy bien.,
after installing linux i canceled the plan with lightroom and photoshop and I felt sorry for adobe because I will not use the best photo editor in the world
I'm sick of wasting time on Mac or Windows just for run PS. I'm aready paying for PS, but I can't use it on a normal and stable OS. I think that PS codebase is pretty bad, that's why they can't port PS to Linux. There is Davinci Resolve, there is Lightworks - their devs can do that. The fun is that I cannot install PS on my Mac for couple of days. It's a... waste.
I will disagree of these points. Of course Adobe is not a public foundation, the main objective is to make money. However, to make money you have to keep your eye on your customers, that's why Adobe keep suport for old OS (both MS and Apple) even with the difficulties of keep building patches for it - everithing is old, nothing will work as expected anymore etc., many times more difficult than port to other different but updated OS.
The main point to me is Linux is a real thread to Adobe's partners, as Microsoft and Apple. Both are greedy, powerful, not a company you will want against you, if you want to make money. So Adobe will keep with their old partners for now, even with a B plan with Linux - I won't doubt they keep a hidden Linux project.
Modern Linux distributions are better OS overal than macOS and Windows. Lighter, stable and safe, they won't try to seel you stuff all the time, won't keep digging in your personal life and they're not made to be a part of scheduled obsolescence of the harware.
I work with MacOS and Linux Mint / Ubuntu. I won't say it is easy, but is manageble to develop and publish for both taking advantage of similar features of these Unix like OSes (I personally thought Linux is easyer). As for thiny market share (low demand), there is a lot of ways to deal with, there is developers capable and willing to deal with in a "symbiotic" relationship with Adobe as there is for a lot of other cases. In my Linux PCs there is a lot of third part good apps as OneDrive, Zoom, Google stuff as Chrome itself. Not mentioning games - Steam and GOG. There is no technological or cost issues, there is a strategic issue, it's about Adobe's policy, that's all - IMO.
Personally, I don't how much time I will keep with macOS just because of Adobe...
I did a test in the first half of this year and it is amizing how popular some apps as inkscape or guimp are now. I worked for six month only with open surce tools and there is a strong community. I did publish my dad's book like this, no complains of nobody about me using those tools. Of course Adobe is a required tool set, but is not alone anymore.
Linux is widely used, but not for desktop computers and graphic workstations. Linux is used in numerous embedded systems without having the end user knowing this. And Linux is running on the fastest computers in the world. But the key is desktop/laptop. @Dov Isaacs' answer is still true.
And just for the history: Years ago, you could acquire Photoshop running on Irix workstations (Irix was the Silicon Graphics flavour of Unix). It's a long time ago: http://unixfiles.org/software/post/photoshop!
ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer
Indesign was the challenger when Adobe started the program.
Illustrator was in fierce competition with Freehand.
Premiere (Pro) has many competitors. It was even for a short time abandoned on macOS computers because of competition.
Dreamweaver has originally not been developed by Adobe. GoLive was the Adobe product.
As all companies, Adobe and its products are evolving, some come, some go, some stay. One of Adobe's core products (PostScript) not even a desktop product, even that it runs also on desktop computers.
You may agree or disagree with Adobe and its policy, but believe me, they know how to create products and to make money. And they did experiment with Unix machines, and it did not work.
ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer
I am considering free alternatives, is a different thing. Adobe, even with competition, can have a space to be alone, not only with a good products but with good parterships. By the way, Adobe have good products overall. But now we have some free tools as Gimp or Eclipse that can have a professional level (I tried both in the past and was not like today). Other are comming to a pro level as inkscape and are already in the desktop of pro users even with Adobe - my case. This is what a mean "not being alone". There is Corel, but that's another kind of competition, is when you have money or is willing to pay for a solution. Linux is for useres that don't have money or are not willing to pay for Adobe or Corel.
I like Adobe, wish to pay for it, but I also have to think about my own business. I might have to leave Adobe if Linux become serious, because Apple is not a serious company anymore, I don't see myself buying another Macbook or another iPhone. I am complaining about Adobe because I still got respect, different from Apple that seems to wish to get inside my home and destroy my devices so I will have to buy new ones.
There is Corel, but that's another kind of competition, is when you have money or is willing to pay for a solution. Linux is for useres that don't have money or are not willing to pay for Adobe or Corel.
I wrote that in another context. I am not asking anything, just analyzing the possibilities. But never mind with me, with so devoted customers, Adobe won't need me anyway. Apple and Adobe may stick toghether, I will be out soon, I'm tired of these old greedy companies...
The point of making money is to have a product that others want. It's not to get the software on all plattforms, if it is commercially not viable. As I said, many companies did put their software on Unix machines, and it did not work.
ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer
Hello, since you bought substance, you should really port at least the creative cloud app to Linux. Also, porting photoshop to Linux is a good business decision because a lot of studio's use Linux on their workstation.
After my school educational license go`s away i will start using gimp unless you make a good buisness desision. 112 *20 = enough money to hire a developer to port to linux. And u`ll probably make more off of it.
I can't speak for Adobe, but here are my thoughts:
Linux is - with a market share somewhere between 1.74 – 2.18% - still a niche OS, with various distros floating around the web. It's probably easier to only support certain Windows and macOS versions than to rewrite Photoshop etc in order to make it run on Linux. The reality is: The majority of people in the creative field are either using Windows or Mac devices.
So, is the market for it there? I really don't think so and chances are that Adobe thinks the same.
a) Adobe will get overtaken by the exceptional strong Linux desktop trend... (sorry, but I do not see this happen.). You have to know that years ago, Adobe did port their programs to Unix systems. Photoshop was available on high end 25000$+ Workstations. And yes, we had bought 4 of those Workstations from Silicon Graphics to replace a very expensive mini supercomputer with less power than half of one of those workstations. Then, we replaced those high end workstations with simple high end Windows computers for 10% of the price and 4 or more times of the power. And many companies did that. And Adobe stopped supporting Unix for their desktop product line.
It's almost 2022. Windows has become unbearable, insisting on making your desktop look like a mobile device (REALLY wanting touch screens) and really wanting you be completely dependent on their cloud. MacOS requires being locked into non-upgradable hardware, which is a no starter. Android and Chromebooks are accelerating the move to Linux desktops as they are exposing more and more people to the idea that "Linux is consumer ready" (yes, it's been ready for a while). I've tried switching numerous times only to be limited by Adobe's lack of support for Linux. If you can support a limited version on Android devices, surely you can support it on Linux. PLEASE put it in your plans to support the Creative Cloud apps on Linux. If not natively, at least think about a browser based version that could run on any platform.
There is Corel, but that's another kind of competition, is when you have money or is willing to pay for a solution. Linux is for useres that don't have money or are not willing to pay for Adobe or Corel.
The interesting thing about the Corel alternative is that Corel already did what is being asked of Adobe. Corel released versions for Linux of Corel WordPerfect, CorelDraw, Corel PhotoPaint, and other applications in their suite. They even released a Corel Linux distro to run it all on.
These were released in 1999. It apparently did not gain enough support to be worth the effort and expense, because Corel shut down Linux development just a few years later.
I have seen questions here about using photoshop or Creative cloud on Linux but they are old. Has anything changes? Can Creative Cloud be used on a Linux run computer now?