Windows has sucked for decades and its still by far the desktop OS leader. And I like Linux but its only made a dent in three places- servers, embedded in devicers, and Android. 20% of Windows users aren't going to switch no matter HOW bad Windows is.
@LumigraphicsYou and @D Fosse and @davescm are trying to convince me to GIVE UP my opinion and wishes, just because YOU BELIEVE it won't happen. While I appreciate Your opinions and facts, as You might have seen, a lot of people, including me, decided to stop subscription and look for alternatives after Adobe changing their terms and conditions. Many of us are SICK and TIRED of Microsoft Windows, and if Windows 12 become subscription based, I see many people migrating to Linux. Competition companies are not sleeping ... Affinity for example is giving now 6 months free trials so people who are used to Adobe can check their programs and see if they like them. Personally, having Adobe Illustrator alternative for £79.99 is a STEAL, and I probably won't look back unless I see Lightroom on Linux.
@davescm one comment about "Adobe already said no - 3 years ago" would be enough. I assure You, I read every comment, and You do not have to repeat Yourself.
Nobody asked for Your opinion, thank You. I am waiting for an official Adobe response. Meantime, You are welcome to continue to comment, nothing wrong with additional exposure. Once I get response from them this year, I can gladly close this thread and ask them again 5 years later, if I won't give up.
After looking into relative performance of the same hardware under different software environments, I have to hope that Adobe phases out support for DirectX, as it is atrociously slow versus Vulkan and especially Metal. I have a friend with a Hackintosh that also runs Windows 11 and Linux (don't remember the distro), and under the Black Magic performance test doodad (my memory for names is very hazy), he gets about 1.7x the framerate for 8k under Vulkan (in Linux) and over 3x with Metal in MacOS. I'm considering trying to go the Hackintosh route for a triple-boot system, too. It's a ton of work, but Metal is amazing. Anyway, since DirectX is so terrible, and Vulkan is now on Windows systems too (I use it a lot), maybe that will be a kind of bridge to eventual (far future?) Linux support? I know that I said it was a non-starter earlier this year, but I do wonder...