You can create dashed strokes by increasing the Spacing on your Brush (under the Brush panel>Brush Tip Shape). If you increase the Spacing to about 200% (or whatever fits your needs), you can then stroke paths or selection marquees with a dashed (or dotted) line.
That's definitely a very nice tip and a clever way to do it. But it would be wonderful if there was actual support for dashes like there is in Illustrator.
On the effects menu under Strokes.
Hate to bump this back up, but definitely want to support this notion. The process that brett@future uses works as a great work around (for dotted lines), but if I want to create any sort of real dashed line, the process is a lot more upsetting (such as creating a brush pattern), or outright opening illustrator, which i'm lucky enough to have the luxury to do.
Real dashed line implementation would allow me to set the size of the dashed (the length of the dashes) at the very least, if not the full implementation similar to illustrator (where I can set up a dash/gap/dash/gap/dash/gap pattern).
This would be great under the individual brush settings next to scatter, and possibly an option under the stroke for blend modes.
I would like to create geometric figures with just outlines and no fill in photoshop. And also be able to write in the exactly size of it. As it is now I have to make a vector figure in Illustrator and then import it in Photoshop. It would be more easy to do it in photoshop while I ́m already working there. Maybe in CS6? 🙂
In addition to the arrowheads, I should be able to choose solid or broken line. If the broken line is selected the user would have the ability to change the segment (line) and gap (breaks) colors (could use foreground and background by default) and width of each. By adding width of the segment and gap, the user is able to control whether it appears as a dashed line (4px segment + 2px gap) or dotted line (1px segment x 1 px gap). You could add additional features for staggered gaps to produce interesting effects.
It is the same thing if the code used to create this capability can be used in both scenarios, but the current stroke functionality within the layer style dialog is very distinct and different from the line tool.
Just found this discussion...I recently upgraded from PS CS 1 to CS 5.1 (talk about late!) and noticed when I use a solid brush with the Wacom, it kept appearing as a dotted line!
Drove me crazy as I could not get a solid drawn line. Then noticed that when I check the "Spacing" box as Brent originally suggested, I get my solid line. Problem is, I have to check every single brush variation/size (hard brush, soft brush, 1, 2, 3, and so on) to get it. That sounds ridiculous. There must be a way to get that spacing bar checked as a default, isn't there?
Any help gratefully appreciated. (Meantime, all those wishing to draw with a dotted line, you got your wish, at least somewhat!)
it's awesome! but i have a question. can we convert these dotted or dashed outlines into shape? if not, there will be problem when scaling image if photoshop try to aspect thickness of path.
Love having this feature, but when I have more than one single line segment created with the pen tool (not a tiny rectangle created with the line tool) the dashed lines act as if the single line is a box and double up (stroke on outside, shown) or appear to be a solid line (middle stroke) or disappear (inside stroke).
I want to have multiple lines on a single layer so I don't have to edit multiple layers to make changes. Single / solo lines work fine.
PS Extended CS6 version 13.0 on Mac OS X 10.6.8