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Photoshop: Ability to specify slicing to individual Artboards

Jun 07, 2016 Jun 07, 2016

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Scenario is a canvas with 3 different artboards on it.  Each artboard is a separate email consisting of 2 sections (each of which would have to be sliced).  

It would be great to have the ability to slice specific artboards independent of one another. The current model applies a slice (#1)  that seems to border the artwork bounds of the entire document.  So currently all 3 boards are enveloped including any outlying artwork bounds.  I suppose my idea is two-fold and address 2 issues I have with artboards.  I'd like to select an artboard and have the Save For Web functionality only applied to the selected board and I'd like to apply my slices on the specific artboard without having it slice everything on the canvas in relation to that original slice.  I imagine a solution would almost be like a master slice that can have secondary slices within it. I hope I was able to explain myself clearly enough.
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