I am using an XP-Pen Star G640 graphics tablet in relative mode (mouse mode). This mode does not support Windows Ink and I am therefore unable to use pressure sensitivity with Photoshop. This is not the case in other programs though (e.g. Medibang Paint Pro), which still support pressure sensitivity without Windows Ink being enabled.
I have seen multiple people looking for a way to have this mode enabled and be able to use pressure sensitivtiy. Being able to do so would be extremely helpful for me since as for now I am not able to use Photoshop that way. This relatvie mode is more comfortable for my wrist and my work-flow and being able to make use of pressure sensitivity is quite important for me as an artist. I am unable to work properly without those two and therefore wish that this feature would be added to Photoshop so I can make use of Photoshops great variety of features and tools.
Best regards.