I recently discovered a new amazing feature in Photoshop --- only to find out it was intentionally removed from Photoshop (along with a bunch of other 3D features) likely because Adobe acquired Substance Painter. I simply don't understand -- why would you guys intentionally make Photoshop worse?
This is a very natural next step for Photoshop -- to have the ability to paint and draw in a more 3D dimenional environemnt. This is UNLIKE typical 3D programs because normally you're working with polygons, and geometry, but here you're just drawing in a 3D space in which you can move around the view of the camera to draw more and more.
Had I known this was a feature I'd have been using it long ago. Bow now this can't be done. Oddly, this can be done in Affinity photo. Umm.. guys? Do you even care about dropping the ball with Photoshop anymore?
The video I linked is literally not possible in Photoshop anyway thanks to sheer greed by Adobe (buy our other 3D software). Check out around the 10 min 30 sec mark. Look how awesome drawing in perspecitve like that is.
As an artist it feels like Adobe has largley stopped caring about artists who also use Photoshop to draw. They very rarely update PS for drawing, they haven't touched the brush engine in eons. They could add all sorts of additional brush features that many programs already have, but don't. Look at the features available in ArtStudio Pro. They support every brush feature from Photoshop, but then add a bunch more options and additions onm top. Is Adobe hungry to be the best? Nope. They own to much of the market to care any more. If they were still hungry, and cared, they'd have updated the brush engine. They'd make add the option for brushes to utilize your graphics card and other cpu features like Corel Painter has. They refuse to optimize the engine for performance. Then the 3D Spherical Panaram thing-- there was literally nothing like it in Photoshop. It let you draw in a totally new and exciting way, something that should get people excited for Photoshop-- but they remove it.
All Adobe seems to care about these days is painfully boring retouching tools like smarter object selection, and AI tools. They've completely forgotten that people also use Photoshop to draw. You don't need to look any further than Fresco for this. They could literally add many of Fresco's features to Photosohp, like multi-color eye droppers for any brush, the smart lasso tool, etc, but would they ever do anything like that? Heck no.
I'm severely dissapointed in you, Adobe.
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