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Puppet wrap for content aware move tool

Enthusiast ,
Aug 07, 2023 Aug 07, 2023

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My favorite content aware move tool  would be so much better if  be supported   by puppet wrap  option before applying.

I am strugling to get anything useful from the new Generative fill . Always something blurry  and mismatching or repeating, and never  what you needed exactly. More a toy than a tool in a word .

Would  prefer to use my own photos  instead with content aware move tool that would allow to bend  subjects subtly  to conform  the beckground and subject I am trying add something new too.  

Would also be cool if we could use content aware move  source  from another opened document or library. So I wouldn't have to attach the source  to the destination  document  first.    Well, I do it with action but still would be nice if we could  just move from another document .    Please,  lets have AI tools that actually helps  rather than  trying to replace you.

Idea No status






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