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"Recall missing popup windows to main monitor" function could be good to have

Community Beginner ,
Jan 19, 2023 Jan 19, 2023

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I had an annoying problem yesterday, when opening the camera RAW filter in PS nothing happened, except that something blocked PS until I pressed enter. I realized that the RAW window must be outside my screens somehow, but I couldn’t find a solution. I tried to Google the issue but found nothing about it.
When I woke up this morning I got an idea that I tried, to rearrange my display settings to see if I could find it. The thing is that I have an extra screen at work and an extra screen at home, and I move my laptop in between all the time, and those screens are at the opposite side of my laptop screen. Apparently I used PS and RAW on the extra monitor at work last time, and now when I start it at home it was stuck on that location. By rearranging my display layout, moving the extra screen at home to “the wrong side” and then opening RAW, I was able to see the upper corner of the window and pull it back in to accessible screen area.
I think this is a problem that could need some attention, since I guess it’s not just me wo works at different locations with different screen setups?
Some kind of “recall popup window to main monitor feature” would be nice to have, I believe?

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