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Reworking drag and drop of Images into PS

Community Beginner ,
Dec 30, 2022 Dec 30, 2022

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The drag and drop mechanics have been frustrating me for a while so after thinking for a bit, here are some of my ideas you might consider 🙂

  • when dragging a image to the opened projects bar or any other area where the image will create a new file, a info icon or text would be helpfull, indicating that this action will create a new project
  • when dragging to the layers panel, i would find it super usefull to have the same indicator as when rearanging layers normally so that the new image layer doesnt just get insertet randomly anywhere between your layers where it has messed up many of my clipping masks in the past
  • it would be great if there was a setting that allowed you to toggle between full size rastered imports and project sized smart object imports, when working on small resolution projects or with super big images (or the other way round) its frustrating having to always scale them up or down to a scale where the are at least fully visible. Maybe you could even consider implementing a "scale to project size" button in the transform menus top bar.


thanks for reading

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