1. Description; I have a sign business and have to design very large files for print. For wide formatt printing the files standard is 150 dpi at size.....the file can be a pdf or a jpg. As we all know there is a limit on pdf sizes but up until now I used to be able to flatten a file and save as a jpg regardless of size. Not now. I have been all over google and adobe trying to figure out how to still do that. After 3 hours of frustration I called tech support and the kind woman got on my computer. She had to save as a copy but could only save it at 100 dpi. In this case it is for a big banner on a football field and the resolution will be ok from a distance. But we also do murals where it must be 150 dpi.
2. Value - This is going to screw with my industry. I am begging you to please bring back save as legacy files...so I can save large jpgs. I am not sure at this point if I am even going to remember how the tech support did this for me. I hoping you make this change. Thank you!