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depuis quelque temps je peux plus me servir de Photoshop element et premier element.
de me dits que je doits acheter la licence, hors j'ai acheté ces logiciel il y a plusieurs années et ca marchait bien ! quand je veux les réhintaller avec la licence marquée sur la pochette du CD impossible????
donc comme j'ai payé ces licence a vie et que Adobe ne répond pas je depose plainte a UFC que choisir et j'invite toute les personnes ayant ce probleme a faire pareil!
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Hi Alain:
If you are interested in getting a solution to your problem rather than filing complaints, let us know what OS and version of Elements you are using. And provide a copy of any error messages you are receiving.
It is possible that you have activated the program too many times. If this is the case, you need to contact Adobe Support and tell them to reset your activations.
You can start a chat session by clicking on the blue Contact Us button under the Help & Support menu at Or you can contact Support by telephone using the numbers listed here: Hours of operation outside of the United States are limited. See the phone link for details.