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Can't Open PSD File

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Jul 16, 2023 Jul 16, 2023

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Hello, I'm trying to open a PSD file and get the error "Could not complete your request because of a disk error".  I've opened it many times in the recent past with no problem.  I've done quite a bit of research on this but still no solution.  I've also had this error recently on other, but not all, PSD files as well, files that I've always been able to open.


I have a Dell laptop with 32 GB memory, and hard drive with capacity of 915 GB, less than half of which is used.  I use Windows 10, which I prefer to Windows 11.  I have PSE version 15, use only Expert Mode, and do not use Organizer.  I really do not want to use a newer version of PSE.  I have lots of 3rd party plugins, effects, and custom fonts (including ones I created) that would take me considerable time to have to do again in a newer version of PSE.  I also believe 99% of the enhancements Adobe makes every year do not affect Expert mode anyway, so see no benefit of upgrading.


I did find a similar problem in the Photoshop forum (full, i.e. not Elements) but did not find a solution that worked for me.  Things I've tried:

- Ran a disk repair, as well as a "chkdsk" which did not find any disk errors.  From everything I've read, the "disk error" message really is not due to actual disk errors.

- Emptied the Recycle Bin, which did increase my performance since I haven't done that in a while

- Resetting Preferences

- In Preferences, I have "Available RAM" of 25620 MB with "Use" at 70%.  I've tried as low as 60% and as high as 85%.  I have Cache Levels set to 6 and have tried 2, 4, and 8.  I have "Use Graphics Processor" set to the default (checked) and have also tried it unchecked.  


One weird thing I tried, that I found using a search, is to Install an open source graphics program called Krita.  Some people had luck using this to open the PSD file, after which it could be opened in Photoshop (full).  I tried that, and sure enough, it subsequently opened in PSE, but only with one composited layer.  You lose all adjustment and other layers, as well as saved selections, etc.  This does confirm though, at least to me, that this problem is not a "disk error" as specified in the error message, but instead something that PSE and full Photoshop, regardless of version, is not handling correctly.


Any other thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks. 

Problem or error




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Guru ,
Jul 16, 2023 Jul 16, 2023

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change the file name-- no special characters like #$@*  just something simple like dog.   You could get this problem if you typed a name like dog.psd, when the image is actually a jpg. 

Just a vcouple of thoughts.




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Participant ,
Jul 21, 2023 Jul 21, 2023

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Hello, as mentioned, the PSD file had been open many times in the recent past, so it is not an issue with the file name. Thanks.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 21, 2023 Jul 21, 2023

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Hi Dave'

You mentonned plugins.

Try to launch PSE with the shift key pressed.

Does the PSD open ?






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Participant ,
Jul 22, 2023 Jul 22, 2023

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Thanks for the reply, Michel.  When pressing the shift key while launching PSE, I get a dialog "Skip loading third-party plug-ins?".  I first answered "No" and got the disk error message.  Then shut down PSE, tried again answering "Yes", and still got the disk error message.  It was nice to have something to try though.  I assume this is checking for corrupted plug-ins?




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Community Expert ,
Jul 22, 2023 Jul 22, 2023

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Yes, that should exclude problems with plugins to prevent opening your PSD file.



Sorry to have been too short, I am not at ease with only a smartphone and no regular keyboard to answer such a question.





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Participant ,
Jul 22, 2023 Jul 22, 2023

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It was worth the try.  I also saw a similar older post in the Photoshop (full) forum where someone had the same problem.  There really was no solution on that forum, so I posted to ask if he has since had the problem with other PSD's.  There is also some interesting info in that post about saving as a TIF rather than PSD.





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Community Expert ,
Jul 22, 2023 Jul 22, 2023

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You can try this photoshop plugin Photoshop file (PSD) Extract/Recover tool

(you want the Windows (64bit)



There is also an online photo editor Photopea which may be able to open the intact psd so you can resave it.





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Jul 24, 2023 Jul 24, 2023

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Thanks for the reply, Jeff.  Those are the types of utilities I was looking for.  Unfortunately neither worked.  On the first one, I added the plug-in through Edit > Preferences > Plug-ins then restarted PSE.  It seems that PSE is not recognizing the plug-in, as there is an error message at startup.  It appeared to not like the extension in the file name of the plug-in.  I tried renaming/copying the extension, to what PSE was looking for, then restarting PSE again, but that did not work either.  I suspect that this plug-in only works in full Photoshop.  On startup of Photopea, it just seemed to die while loading the PSD, without any messages.




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