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Har idag Elements 15. Kan EJ lägga in nya länder och platser.
Hur förfara nu. Kan man göra detta i Elements 19?
Således är det lön t att uppgradera eller byta till annat program.
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Hi Onslundafoto,
Sorry that you cannot add location info in Photoshop Elements 15.
Could you please restore Photoshop Elements preferences and let us know if that helps?
Preference settings control how Photoshop Elements Editor displays images, cursors, and transparencies, saves files, uses plug‑ins and scratch disks, and so on. If the application exhibits unexpected behavior, the preferences file could be damaged. You can restore all preferences to their defaults.
Note: Deleting the preferences file is an action that cannot be undone.
Do one of the following:
A new preferences file is created the next time you start Photoshop Elements Editor. For information on a specific preference option, search for the preference name in Help.
Also, take a look at this similar discussion PSE 15 Add Location not working...Search does not return and let us know how it goes.
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Laddade så småningom ned en fri version för 30 dagar.
Registrerade sedan med mitt lösenord för det köpta programmet och sedan fungerade det.
Med vänlig hälsning/Christer R
Från: Akash Sharma <>
Skickat: den 10 juni 2019 11:48
Till: Christer Rasmusson <>
Ämne: Platsangivelser
created by Akash Sharma <> in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion <>
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Thanks for the update.
Glad you were able to figure it out.