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Converting RAW to jpeg .

New Here ,
Aug 29, 2022 Aug 29, 2022

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I know I'm new to this updated version from Elements 9, but it should be intuitive enough to allow me the option to just open the jpeg file. Do I have to adjust some menu setting to do this? As it is, with version 9, I didn't have to go up to a drop down menu to delete images then were bad. Now I have an extra step to  delete. 

Why is it that I have to convert my RAW files, taken with my D500, to jpeg for editing? Why not just open the jpeg instead of converting the RAW file. Are these guys idiots? If I "open with" a RAW file from the Nikon NX software so I can have full control over editing, and it just converts it to a jpeg, what use is this software. I might as well shoot everything in jpeg and skip the delay in converting and forphiet, and where's the intyping spellcheck here? It couldn't come up with the propere spelling for forfit, which is wrong, and know internet checking either? Come on!

That really pissed me off when it wanted to convert RAW to jpeg. What the hell did I buy this program for then?

Elements 9 bauked at opening a raw file from my D500. Probably an outdated version that couldn't read the D500 RAW file data.

Thanks for this forum and sorry about the rant. Had to upgrade to Windows 10 just to install this as well.

Import and export , Problem or error






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Guru ,
Aug 29, 2022 Aug 29, 2022

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Your original RAW image remains untouched- you work on a copy of it.

You wantto really editthe actual raw file?  Photoshop. 





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Community Expert ,
Aug 29, 2022 Aug 29, 2022

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It's not clear to me what you are trying to do.  You talk about opening both jpegs and raw files.  What is it that you are having difficulty with?


If you are opening a raw file from Windows File Explorer, using the Open With context menu and select Adobe Photoshop Elements 2022 Editor, the raw file will open in the Adobe Camera Raw parametric Editor.  You can view and edit the raw file in the Editor, and when you are done with it, you can click the Done button.  All of your edits will be saved in a sidecar xmp file and no jpeg will be created. 


You haven't told us what you want to do with your edited raw files.  If you are using the Organizer, then of course the edited file will appear with its edited view in the grid.  If you are using some other raw photo viewer, it will have to be able to interpret the sidecar file.  If you are expecting to share the raw file, won't you have to convert it to jpeg or other format at some point in your workflow process?


If you select phots(s), you can simply hit the delete key to delete them from your catalog.


Are you shooting in jpeg and raw and just want to edit the jpeg file but can't find it to open?  If you are importing the jpeg+raw files using a memory card reader or direct from camera, there is an option to stack the files. If that is the case, the raw file is usually on top.  Also if that is the case, and you are in the Organizer's default view, you have to use the Expand Stack command to see the stacked photos.  The better alternative in my view is to use the Details view which can be toggled on and off using Ctrl+D.







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