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EDIT: I finally almost ready to purchase photoshop elements on adobe

Engaged ,
Sep 01, 2023 Sep 01, 2023

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Hello, I had a problem to purchase photoshop elements ,  we could not proceed as it seems that after payment it can't be  removed the  credit cards or paypal 's data from adobe site. (but maybe this is for who paid a product that require subscriptions, I didn't read yet someone that mentioned this problem when purchased one single payment products) , 
EDIT:/ UPDATE:   I 've tried to contact Adobe but I could not speak (edit: at the begin!) with someone and it seems very hard to speak with an Adobe team member.  But I must admit that, yes, it was very hard to contact them (probably when I try to chat, the difference of time zone, made the difference, in fact, when I tried to contact them again in a second time (after 4 hours), I find immediately help and after 2 team members that says me to wait a little in chat that they would send me a member of the team right for my type of problem, he was very very helful! Reply me to all my questions, and was not tired! We search together a store reseller authorized from adobe and at the end, we found 2 stores online in Italy that are even near my city! So I finally found it, but today I had problems to order because, their website don't understand the payment method I 've selected. I was just trying together my brother to see their payments accepted but the website software thought that we wanted already placed order, even if we just place the order on the cart, and I received from them an email that said me to 'complete the payment!" But we never confirmed the order yet, as we just tried to select 'bank transfer' option but it was a bit confusing. But the order was like 'already preordered', but we never confirmed so now,  we had to contact the store and ask them to delete the order that we never confirmed yet, but since today it's saturday, their online store don't reply our emails. So we will have to wait their answer and when they delete the order, we want to use paypal or postepay (their website also accept these payments).  We will see I hope it will be solved this little difficulty.  
 Also,I've searched in this whole list the resellers :


But there's no even one of them that sell photoshop elements,and most of these shops not even have photoshop products to resells on their website at all... so is not useful , I wish adobe could give an updated and working list actual where to purchase photoshop elements from authorized resellers.

Anyway, I hope that Adobe should permit to remove the credit card/ paypal data , at least for 'one time only' purchase softwares.
If someone knows this for sure, can confirm? For now, we are not sure so we will prefer the autorized resellers for this.

Thanks for the information!







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Community Expert ,
Sep 02, 2023 Sep 02, 2023

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Hi @Valentina ♡, I think posting to this forum could be more helpful for this issue: https://community.adobe.com/t5/download-install/ct-p/ct-download-and-install?page=1&sort=latest_repl... Hope this helps!





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