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Error when silently installing Photoshop Elements 2023

New Here ,
May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023

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When attempting to silently install Photoshop Elements 2023, we get Exit Code: 1 and the below error from the logs.


Command line:

oem.exe -P PSE -SERIALNUMBER xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx

Error from logs:

05/22/23 11:32:22:586 | [FATAL] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDPIM | HDPIMProductRequest |  | HDPIM | 2104 | Specified EsdDirectory './PSE' for product does not exist


Complete Log:

05/22/23 11:32:22:574 | [INFO] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDIM | ApplicationContext |  | HDIM | 2104 | ************************* START Adobe Setup *************************
05/22/23 11:32:22:575 | [INFO] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDIM | ApplicationContext |  | HDIM | 2104 | Adobe Setup Version:
05/22/23 11:32:22:578 | [INFO] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDPIM | HDPIMSessionManager |  | HDPIM | 2104 | Inside hdpimCreateSession
05/22/23 11:32:22:578 | [INFO] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDPIM | HDPIMSessionManager |  | HDPIM | 2104 | Entering into 'createHDPIMSession'
05/22/23 11:32:22:578 | [INFO] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDPIM | HDPIMSessionManager |  | HDPIM | 2104 | new session '{1EAC2EBB-0D30-402C-ACA7-240C56F1BBCC}' created 
05/22/23 11:32:22:584 | [INFO] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDPIM | HDPIMSessionManager |  | HDPIM | 2104 | Exiting hdpimCreateSession, new session ID is '{1EAC2EBB-0D30-402C-ACA7-240C56F1BBCC}'
05/22/23 11:32:22:585 | [INFO] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDPIM | HDPIMSessionManager |  | HDPIM | 2104 | Inside hdpimInstallProduct with request <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<DriverInfo><ProductInfo><Name>Adobe Photoshop Elements 2023</Name><SAPCode>PSE</SAPCode><CodexVersion>21.0</CodexVersion><BaseVersion>21.0</BaseVersion><Platform>win64</Platform><EsdDirectory>./PSE</EsdDirectory><Dependencies><Dependency><SAPCode>EORG</SAPCode><BaseVersion>21.0</BaseVersion><EsdDirectory>./EORG</EsdDirectory></Dependency><Dependency><SAPCode>HPSE</SAPCode><BaseVersion>21.0</BaseVersion><EsdDirectory>./HPSE</EsdDirectory></Dependency><FFCChannel>nocc_sti</FFCChannel></Dependencies><IsNonCCProduct>true</IsNonCCProduct><SupportedLanguages><Language locale="cs_CZ"></Language><Language locale="de_DE"></Language><Language locale="en_US"></Language><Language locale="es_ES"></Language><Language locale="fr_FR"></Language><Language locale="it_IT"></Language><Language locale="ja_JP"></Language><Language locale="nl_NL"></Language><Language locale="pl_PL"></Language><Language locale="sv_SE"></Language></SupportedLanguages><MinimumSupportedRuntimeVersion></MinimumSupportedRuntimeVersion><HDBuilderVersion>4.0.52</HDBuilderVersion></ProductInfo><RequestInfo><uiDisplayLanguage>en_US</uiDisplayLanguage><verifyZips>true</verifyZips><InstallLanguage>cs_CZ,de_DE,en_US,es_ES,fr_FR,it_IT,ja_JP,ko_KR,nl_NL,pl_PL,sv_SE,zh_CN,zh_TW</InstallLanguage><deleteUserPreferences>false</deleteUserPreferences></RequestInfo></DriverInfo>
05/22/23 11:32:22:586 | [FATAL] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDPIM | HDPIMProductRequest |  | HDPIM | 2104 | Specified EsdDirectory './PSE' for product does not exist
05/22/23 11:32:22:586 | [FATAL] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDPIM | HDPIMSessionManager |  | HDPIM | 2104 | Error occurred in starting install with error code '103'
05/22/23 11:32:22:586 | [INFO] | 3420 | HDSetup | HDPIM | HDPIMSessionManager |  | HDPIM | 2104 | Exiting hdpimInstallProduct with status '103'

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Download and install , Problem or error




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Adobe Employee ,
May 26, 2023 May 26, 2023

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Thanks for highlighting this. We understand your concern.

From where did you download the application? Do you have any firewall or anti-virus installed on your system?

Have you tried re-downloading/ re-installing the application?

Please try the steps mentioned in the article: https://helpx.adobe.com/download-install/kb/troubleshoot-installation-photoshop-elements-premiere.ht...


Let us know how it goes.







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New Here ,
Jun 01, 2023 Jun 01, 2023

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Hello Ranjisha,


The link I was given is: 



I have downloaded and attempted to reinstall, but with the same errors. We use BitDefender as the antivirus in our organization, and I attempted the reinstall with it disabled with the same error. I did follow the steps in your article. Since the application is never getting installed, and these are freshly wiped/imaged computers, there are no previous files to remove/uninstall. We tried the install both in a no-driver startup (your simplified mode) as well as safe mode with the same errors. UAC is disabled during the install as it is supposed to be installed along with other items in an unattended setting. Some of the other settings don't seem to be relevant (like graphics driver) since again, we're not getting to the install in the first place, it's failing before it begins.




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