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Hi, I just bought and installed Photoshop Elements on my Mac Book Pro. Unfortunatelly I cannot create a new action, because the button "actions" does not offer "new action". Just the presets.... Who can help me?
No Elements versions can create actions, they can play actions. You need Photoshop to create actions.
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Since your question is about Photoshop Elements, I have moved this from the Photoshop forum where you posted.
~ Jane
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No Elements versions can create actions, they can play actions. You need Photoshop to create actions.
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Michel how can I get actions as well as plug ins for my Elements 2020?
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@nickli22, Why not try searching the internet for "photoshop elements actions" or "photoshop elements plug ins"?
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I have done that Walter. and every time I do all I come up with is photoshop plug ins and Actions. I would be fine with purchasing some of them but they dont seam to work on elements..If you have any ideas on how to go about this I would love to hear them. That being said thanks for taking the time. Cheers.
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Nickli22, You may not be digging deep enough in your search. There are LOTS of them available! What type of action or plug-in are you looking for? I'm not going to search for you, but here's one website with lots of free actions. The Coffeeshop Blog.
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Thanks Walter.
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Jane you could have answered her question first then moved the question. Just sayin.
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@nickli22 wrote:
Jane you could have answered her question first then moved the question. Just sayin.
If I used Elements or thought I might have an answer for Katrin, I would have done so, Nickli22. @MichelBParis was able to give her an answer fairly quickly on 3 January.
~ Jane
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Here is a source for actions;
200+ free Photoshop actions: 3D, animation, special fx (
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Action files cannot be created in Photoshop Elements. However, you can load more action files (.atn files) that have been created in Adobe Photoshop. Just need to find a way to create an .atn file outside of Photoshop elements..
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Bajillions of free actions available: a good place to start:
When you run actions, they will mostly work- till they get to something that PS can do, but PSE cannot- the action simply stops- leaving the action producing poor results when the action is played.
I just slap the ATN files here for PSE 2023:
C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\21.0\Presets\Actions
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Thanks! I actually do not use PS or even PSE professionally and certainly cannot justify the monthly fee for PS. I have a small project of documenting 600 artworks from an undiscovered artist who was born in 1900 in Vienna and experienced WWII in Berlin. Really wonderful pieces. I wish to present photos of his work on the web [link removed as per forum guidelines] and need a simple action to add a watermark layer to each. The website is a work in progress. Tough having to learn PSE and Wordpress simultaneously, but keeps this retired avionics engineer busy.
I just don't wish to go the trial period route for 7 days with PE just to get a simple action made, but will if necessary.
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I only pay $10.84 a month....with tax. Yes it really is that cheap.
The $9.99 plan can be difficult to find:
It's one of those things that I pay for each month without thinking about it---- it's the cost of two foo foo coffees...
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Thanks Glenn. In Germany the cost would be over $150 a year with a year subscription for PS only that cannot be canceled. PS is like a Ferrari and I just need a Golf!. I will stick with PSE and live with the limitations. Good tip though
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In the photoshop elements editor have a look at File>Process Multiple Files from which you can add watermark text to your files.
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Excellent! Thanks. That sounds like a good solution.
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On the Mac side
/Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop Elements 21/Presets/Actions