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I have recently tried the beta version of El Capitan on my MacBook Pro 13 mid 2012. I keep it up to date, installing all updates when available. Since I've being using the latest OS X, Adobe photoshop elements 11 Editor crashes when i try to save my file. All other aspects of the app appear to work perfectly, however the app becomes unresponsive when i click save as in the file menu. No options will work, and i cannot cancel the action. My only option is to force quit the app.
I bought this version of photoshop from the mac app store, and there are no updates available.
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Just tried it. Didn't work. PSE11 still freezes when I try to save a file.
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Steve Grisetti a écrit:
Have any of you tried this possible fix?
Unfortunately, among several bugs appearing after the release of El Capitan, this one is particularly mysterious.
It only affects one Elements version, the Elements 11 sold by the Apple Store.
Present state:
Elements 11 (app store): Can't save file after installing MacOS 10.11 El Capitan (known OS bug)
Other post from Chris Cox:
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Thanks for giving it a try though, guys. Hopefully someone will get to the bottom of it at some point soon. It's frustrating when you've got a product you can't use.
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I tried to install the patch, but when I click on the downloaded plug in it just opens up pse11 and an error message comes up saying that pse doesn't recognise the file. Hope that this is now on the radar and a fix comes soon. Will people on this thread be informed when the issue is resolved?
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I uninstalled PSE 13 with plans to reinstall as it was constantly crashing but updated to ElCapitan before I tried to reinstall. Now I can't install it, no install button. Have searched Utilities, Adobe Utilities, etc. but cannot find a way to reinstall 13. Any suggestions?
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just an update for everyone- i'm part of the OSX beta program, and i have the latest version of el Capitan 10.11.4 beta 5. it seems that the save as function is working again, although another problem has arisen. I can finally save files again, choose a name and location, etc. however, the section at the bottom of the save as window is 'missing in action'!! i.e. the section where file type, etc. can be changed is no longer visible 😕
this isn't great, but it's a step in the right direction i think!
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In spite of my shattered Apple-shaped heart, this thread has been utterly fascinating and very enlightening. Several years ago, I was so excited when I took the plunge and bought Elements 12 for my MacBook from the horrid app store. At the time, I did what I thought was the right thing but on EVERYTHING, if I could go back and purchase my beloved Elements from Adobe, I would do so without question. For awhile with Yosemite I thought my money was completely wasted but functionality continues to ebb and flow with each system upgrade and update. I have been plagued with the same heart-stopping glitches and have been fighting back one conniption after another as the torment continues. However, stumbling upon this thread and reading every reply put my mind at ease. Now I can simply accept the fact that it isn't going to get better and continue to un/re-install my precious Elements 12 as my punishment for being such a dork and not buying it straight from Adobe. We live and we learn, right?
Alas, my sole purpose of contributing to this thread is to say thank you for the helpful hints, side-steps, and informative links. Even though the fault truly lies with Apple and their inflexible application policies I sincerely appreciate you guys taking the time to brainstorm and attempt to be helpful when you really didn't have to be.
Also, since my Elements 12 gets splattered all across my wifi diagnostics as the probable root of all my network problems, I've learned to only use it when I boot up in "safe mode" or either simply cut off my internet connection and most of my problems with stability, function, and insatiable memory appetite go away for a little while. It works for me but I am simply a novice learning new skills. If my job or business depended on producing graphics from it, I wouldn't hesitate to completely wipe my hard drive and reinstall Mountain Lion or Mavericks. In fact, the temptation to do so just on my MacBook is almost to great simply because I love the app so very much. Just a thought!
Again, thanks to everyone for sharing your experience and expertise. I needed to read all of this!
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I just purchased Photoshop Elements 15 & Premiere Elements 15 from Best Buy and installed the application from the DVD. When I opened the Elements Editor it suddenly quits. I'ver tried opening it over 20 times and quits. I uninstalled the application and reinstalled it 10 times but it still quits. I'm using OS El Capitan version 10.11.16. I called the Adobe customer support and after 6 hours they could not fix the issue. They said there was an in issue with the mac OS. So far I have not found a fix. Let me know if you find one. Thanks