Menu font size in Elements
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I have just installed Elements and the size of the menu icons is tiny. I would like to know how to make them larger. Changing things like the screen resolution of the laptop has no effect
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What version of photoshop elements and operating system are you using?
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Version 12
Windows 10
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I just changed it to 100% and also tried 200% and it didn't change the font size of anything. I will not be able to use this program if the lettering is so small.
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I will not be able to use this program if the lettering is so small.
It really is a shame that you can't change the menu font size in PS Elements!! I have PSE18 and the menu lettering it way too small. Other programs give users the ability to increase the menu font sizes. I'm really surprised Adobe dropped the ball on this one.
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Those Font sizes are controlled by windows scaling, not photoshop elements.
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Those Font sizes are controlled by windows scaling, not photoshop elements.
Yes I know. However a photo editing program like Affinity has customizable toolbars including, if I remember correctly from several months ago when I tried the trial version, the ability to increase the menu text size.
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I've changed the font on my windows scaling and it did not change in photoshop elements. Nothing I do changed it in PS. It's ridiculously small!
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Which version of Adobe Photoshop Elements are you using and what operating system are you running?
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I'm not sure who you were asking but if it's me, I have PS Elements 2021 and I'm using Windows 10.
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Hi @defaultdiaelm2pucjj 🙂
Try this:
1. Using the File Explorer, navigate to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 2021
2. Look for the PhotoshopElementsEditor application and right-click on it.
3. From the contextual menu that appears, select Properties
4. Choose the Compatibility tab, and under Settings, click the Change high DPI settings button
5. In the new dialog box that appears, under High DPI scaling override, click the checkbox next to Override high DPI scaling behavior, and choose System (Enhanced) in the dropdown menu for Scaling performed by
6. Click OK twice to close the dialog boxes and start Photoshop Elements again.
If you want to also adjust the settings for the Elements Organizer, then you need to go through the same steps again, only this time for the PhotoshopElementsOrganizer application that is in your C:\Program Files\Adobe\Elements 2021 Organizer folder.
Hope that helps 🙂
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*tessa palm hagan*
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This worked. Thank you
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Thank you, It worked!
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Thank you worked for me in Elements Organiser 2021
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I'm still using Elements 11 (purposely, because I like the right-side guided menu so much better than the newer one where I have to keep changing screens). When I loaded it on my new laptop, the menu font was so small it was almost unreadable and this workaround worked perfectly. Thank you so much!
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Worked for me thank you --- DD
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Thanks so much this fixed the problem for me.
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This works.
Been trying to fix this since 2017.
thanks !!
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Well, I think that has helped a bit, not really enough but at least it is usable now. Thank you.
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You have restart photoshop elements after changing the UI Scale Factor.
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I have version 18 and there in no screen like this
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Having just upgraded to Elements 2022, this is still a big problem. The fonts -- all over the app -- are way too tiny. The advice to go to Edit>Preferences>Display & Cursors does not work, -- o such choice under preferences. I am on Windows 10. There must be a way to change this. It's not Windows, as other apps don't have this issue.
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