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I installed PSE and PrEl 2022 (from DVD) on two Windows 10 computers:
1) Laptop - no issues
2) Desktop - On the first installation (from DVD), no Themes were present for slideshows. After uninstalling both PSE 2022 and PrEl 2022, I reinstalled both. Now, I have only the older Themes, none of the newer Themes (i.e. Cherish Splash Whirl Kaleidoscope Light Streaks Geometric Frames).
PSE and PrEl 2019 are both still installed on both machines. Both are running Windows 10 with proper updates. The desktop is ~ 5 yrs old...the laptop ~ 2 years old (running 21H2)
Thanks, in advance, for your help.
- Mike Mc -
Try contacting Elements support. You can start a chat session by clicking on the blue Contact Us button under the Support menu at Or you can contact Support by telephone using the numbers listed here:
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Try contacting Elements support. You can start a chat session by clicking on the blue Contact Us button under the Support menu at Or you can contact Support by telephone using the numbers listed here:
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go here:
C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Elements Organizer\20.0\Slideshow\themes
You will see a yellow folder, and a 1kb file for each theme.
Click on the yellow assets folder. Inside that folder there should be more folders- one for each theme.
each will look something like the following: (let me know if your are missing any of it. (screenshot from pse 2022)
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Hello Glenn,
I appreciate your advice.
On the desktop that is not showing the newer themes (see my original post):
I was not able to navigate to the themes using the path you provided but I did find them with this path:
C:>ProgramData>Adobe>Elements Organizer>20.0>Slideshow>themes>assets>theme 1 (see attachment).
I did open each theme folder. Theme1 is identical to your screencapture.
On the laptop that is behaving correctly with slideshow themes:
I opened and inventoried the contents of each of the theme folders. Of the 13 theme folders, I found 11 that had identical content to the desktop's theme folders but 2 had different contents:
At this point, I'm tempted to replace the desktop's files in those two themes with the appropriate files from the laptop.
Your thoughts?
- Mike -
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Hello Mike,
I also find the Slideshow Theme files in "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\20.0\Slideshow\themes\assets\" the same as you. EXCEPT, my theme14 folder on my desktop has 32 files, not 4 and my theme20 folder also has 30 files.
If I were you, I would try replacing the desktop's files in theme14 with the appropriate files from the laptop. But, before doing that I would rename the original files on the desktop by adding a "~" at the front of the filename just in case you want to go back to the original.
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With thanks to Glenn and Walter, this update.
No joy in mudville.
Populating the themes with "should work" assets - no luck.
The desktop now only registers 2 of the new themes...fewer than when I started.
I uninstalled all instances of PSE 2022, PrEl 2022, PSE 2019, PrEl 2019 in hopes of creating an completely clean slate. No good. After reinstalling on my desktop, the Organizer I had been using (with problems) in PSE 2022 reappeared as soon as I validated w. the 24-character product key and my Adobe ID.
This tells me that using Windows 10 Add/Remove Programs doesn't really remove everything that should be removed.
I will take the advice of Greg S. in the first reply in this thread and contact Adobe support.
Yikes...this shouldn't be this difficult!
- Mike -
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PS I even tried using a different Adobe ID during the installation process- no luck!
- Mike -
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In fairness, I should mention that I do have two of the "newer" Slideshow Themes (Whirl, Kaleidoscope) along with the 5 "older" themes (Watercolor, Black&White, Woods, Pan&Zoom, City Lights, Classic)
- Mike -
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More info:
Both the Laptop (no issues) and the Desktop (problems with Missing Themes) are running Windows 10 version 21H2. And both had PSE2019 and PrEl2019 installed before this problem surfaced.
- Mike -
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I'm happy to report that Adobe support solved my problem (thanks, Ajay!).
I appreciate Greg_S providing that solution. Also thanks to the other posters who contributed.
- Mike -
MM in Carlsbad
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What did Adobe do to fix it???
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It was nearly a 2-hr call. Not sure I can give you a play-by-play. Note: others have encountered this issue so the tech provided some kind of work-around via screen sharing.
- Mike -
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Hello All,
I posted a video tutorial on YouTube regarding the Slideshow features in PSE 2022. Hope it helps folks take full advantage of the many Themes and Audio choices: