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Need to flip jpeg image

Explorer ,
Feb 27, 2021 Feb 27, 2021

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I need to flip a jpeg image that I have opened in Photoshop Elements 2020. It is a floor plan of a house that needs to be flipped from left to right, i.e. the master bedroom is currently in the back right corner of the house plan, the garage is in the front right corner of the house plan. I want to flip so that the master bedroom is in the back left corner and the garage is in the front left corner of the house plan. I have attached a photo. Thank you.

How to




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Advocate ,
Feb 27, 2021 Feb 27, 2021

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Image > Rotate > Flip Horizontal


But that might not be want you want as the text will all now be backwards! 🙂


You could use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to select each text label, cutting and pasting them onto a new layer. Then flip the plan layer using Image > Rotate > Flip Layer Horizontal, and re-position the text labels with the Move Tool.






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Explorer ,
Feb 28, 2021 Feb 28, 2021

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Thanks for your reply and explanation.




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Guru ,
Feb 28, 2021 Feb 28, 2021

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do it like this:  No reason to copy anything. 2021-02-28_070846.jpg




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Community Expert ,
Feb 28, 2021 Feb 28, 2021

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Can you show the result with the file @texanno1 has linked as an example? What about the flipped text?




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Guru ,
Feb 28, 2021 Feb 28, 2021

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The text for each room wood have to be on separate layers so they would not get flipped. 

Since jpg's can't handle layer info.... 

If I were doing thing I'd flip the layout and add the labels inse after the flip. I jist covered them up with a white box, flattened al lthe resultng layers and flipped that. 2021-02-28_082741.jpg2021-02-28_083623.jpg




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 02, 2021 Mar 02, 2021

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Thank you very much for your reply. I am new using Adobe Photoshop Elements. Could you please give step by step instructions your suggestion "If I were doing thing I'd flip the layout and add the labels inse after the flip. I jist covered them up with a white box, flattened al lthe resultng layers and flipped that." Not sure how to cover the labels with white box, flatten all the resulting layers and flipped that. Do I then mannually type the labels back into the flipped floor plan? Thanks very much for your help. 




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Community Expert ,
Mar 02, 2021 Mar 02, 2021

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@gc73pgc said:

I am new using Adobe Photoshop Elements. Could you please give step by step instructions your suggestion "If I were doing thing I'd flip the layout and add the labels inse after the flip. I jist covered them up with a white box, flattened al lthe resultng layers and flipped that." Not sure how to cover the labels with white box, flatten all the resulting layers and flipped that. Do I then mannually type the labels back into the flipped floor plan?


For most tasks in Photoshop, there is usually more than one way to perform it.  Since this is apparently not your image but you want to learn how to perform what has been suggested, here are a couple of suggestions:


Because of the problem with reversing the text if you flip the image, the first step would be to remove or hide the text from the background diagram.  In this particular image, the text goes over the schematic lines.  So, if you simply put a white rectangle box over the text, it would remove the line.  Similarly, if you cut the text out of the diagram and place it on a separate layer in order to move the text to a new position on the flipped diagram, some of the lines would be moved and show up in the wrong place:



However, to use these options:

The white box can be placed over the text by:

  • selecting the Shape tool
  • choose the rectangle shape
  • make sure the foreground color is set to white and
  • draw a rectangle around each text label in the diagram


If you use this method, a new layer will be created with a white box covering the text.  However, once all the text has been covered, it will be necessary to flatten the layers in order to flip the image.  (Otherwise, the white box layers will remain where they were.)  So, you can use the flatten image command from the Layers menu or from the Layers panel context menu.


If you want to use the method to place the text in a new layer which can be moved to the correct position when the image is flipped, do the following:

  • Use the rectangular marquee tool to draw a box around a text label
  • Press Ctrl+J

This will place the text on a new layer.  You would have to do the same for each label.  I would recommend renaming the layer with the text contained on the layer so you can keep track of it.

You would then flip the diagram layer, using Image>Rotate>Flip Layer Horizontal and move the text layers to their appropriate position.


However, having said all of that, I believe the cleanest approach would be to delete all of the text using the paintbrush tool with a white foreground.  You would then type the text labels back in using the text tool.  This would avoid the problems I have mentioned above.  I would use a square brush because the text is very close to some of the lines and it will be necessary to zoom in very close and paint over the text pixels almost one at a time.  It all depends on how much time and effort you want to put into the project and how clean you need the end result to be.




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