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This is ridiculous - I have constant popups on my computer (on and off the internet) trying to get me to buy more Adobe products. I just spent $150 on PSE and Premiere Elements and downloaded them last week.
I need to find the option to turn these off...thanks for any help you can give. The Notification Center in my computer settings doesn't have an option for Adobe, and notifications are turned off.
You can't sell things by making people mad, by the way. Marketers just don't seem to get it, I never read or click through, or buy anything from popups. I guess they need to keep coming up with this garbage to justify their jobs.
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How come the Community Guides and so called Experts don't get these Popups and don't know about them! Because they run the latest versions of everything! Not all of us need or want the latest software because we are quite happy with what we have. Inform us once then leave us alone Adobe! We'll upgrade when we're ready.
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You clearly didn't read my post... You will get that for a while with older versions. I have all versions from version 10 to 24 installed and I dont get them at all any more. I just end up clicking on them a few times and they go away."
All the "guides and so called experts" (they really are experts with the program- often with decades of experience and also typically have responded to over 10,000 posts each)- are aware of the pop ups.
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It's amusing to me how people just accept this level of intrusive, super aggressive marketing (at which, I will add, Adobe excels) in applications that they would never accept in other areas of their lives. Just, "meh, ok, no big deal." But then, most "Guides" probably weren't even born when the analog equivalent to this --unsolicited telemarketing-- was a thing.
For those of us who were, however, it is beyond annoying. But if you enjoy Adobe interrupting your workflow to sell you more enhanced avatar frames, or whatever -- knock yourself out.
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Yes, I totally agree with you. If this were free software or even a trial .. I could see the use of intrusive popups. But with a product we have paid for ... it is unacceptable and makes me really, really hate Adobe.
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I have the same issue since mid-year. It is a serious distraction to work flow, and a considerable insult to paying customers. I would add that being told you should like them and click them adds insult to the distraction. It's not helpful.
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I was born in 1961.
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I read your post. You said "older versions" .. I don't consider 2023 "older", for heaven's sakes. This will be the last version, though,
as I am so thoroughly disgusted at this intrusion. I cannot do work with the constant popups .. and yes .. it is constant... It is like "whack-a-mole"!
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I can't edit this post :up_arrow: ... I thought one of the posters was replying to me but I think he wasn't and then I see that this reply appears under the wrong post anyway....
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It has been a MONTH and these adverts keep popoing up every
Unchecking those boxes does NOTHING.
This is a the 2024 version of elements and premiere and as I paid for it, I do not want pops appearing whe I am screen recording a turorial and I do a lot of those.
There must be an actual way to disable these unbleivable annotying and intrusive pop--up adverts.
Try to call adobe support, I get a robiot with a fixed monolgue and no help or conatct whatsoever.
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I actually have a bunch of versions installed, and use them to answer questions here and in a facebook group I belong to. I also have version 10 installed- but it's a 32 bit program so it doesn't show up in the list you see. Of course we have the latest versions- there are reasons why we do- for some it's a personal preference.
Currently (NOV 11th, 2024) I get them every now and then in PSE 2024- not worried or concerned about it either- they will go away in about another week anyway. I don't get them in any other version.
This is from PSE 14- I went ahead and told it to update and the updater is working- very suprizing considering it's very old software.
The updater for pse 14 appears to be working. Some things like Adobe Camera Raw 17.0 will not work in PSE 14.
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Add me to the list of people that want to stop the constant popups. I purchased my version of PSE 21 a few months ago.
I do not remeber older versions doing this and I have been using the product for more than 10 years. It is very intrusive and annoying! How do we make it stop?
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I don't want to jinx it LOL but I think mine have stopped. In the past I had clicked the "x", or "Later" options but yesterday I was so mad, I knew if I did those things, another would appear shortly thereafter, so i didn't touch anything. I let it go away by itself and I have not seen it since.
But my opinion of Adobe (as if they care) is in the toilet. This stunt is not something I would expect a supposedly reputable company to do. And I usually buy PSE every year but will not buy PSE 24 for fear the popups will start again.
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getting these when I updated from 14 to 23. I will try your "leave it there" strategy and see if there is a different result
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I'm going to try this too, Rosebudster. Thanks for the tip. I updraded from PSE 11 to 2023 a couple of months ago. I never had this annoying pop-up for the entire time I used 11 - and that was from the moment it was available until September this year. I've turned off everything and double/triple checked it. Defiantly, another pop-up appears within minutes of me checking. Not good, Adobe, very irritating indeed!
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I haven't had the popups for a while now. I don't know if it is on a "timer" and eventually stops or if just ignoring it and not clicking anything is what made it stop. But this whole situation has made me hate Adobe.
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The pop ups are beyond annoying. I would recommend to anyone who asks, not to purchase Photoshop Elements. I'm sorry I did. I usually look forward to updates, but I won't be updating this program (Elements 2023.) The pop ups take away all enjoyment of working with the program.
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Same. I have already dissuaded a couple people from paying for Elements. I'm fine with ads in freeware, but for an application to do this when I've paid a fair amount for it is inexcusable. No more Adobe for me. It was a good 20 years.
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Came here certain that I must be missing a setting. I upgraded earlier this year from v10 and frankly, I don't know what I got by doing so. It looks the same and there aren't a ton of improvements. There's no way I'm going to pay AGAIN for a minor upgrade. I'm gobsmacked that Adobe would force upgrade ads on a recent version (v21, 2023) and have them constantly reappear. And not only that, it appears in a location that blocks access to application buttons. I tried moving it over and out of my way, but that didn't resolve the issue. It keeps coming back whether I click one of the two buttons, or move and ignore it.
Adobe seems really desperate for business. If this continues, I'll find another application for my casual image editing needs.
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I agree. Theses pop up waste so much time. I am strongly considering getting rid of Adobe if they don't stop this. It keeps stopping my work flow!
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Finally after 2 months found a solution, Adobe support eventually answered the query, took him ages to find the result and the action is as yet un verified.
In Elements or Premiere,
Re-open BOTH programs and it will ask for you email and then the activation code, for both programs, make sure you have it, cut and past from your account works.
Now to see if this actually works and block the offensive and constant pop-ups to upgrade 2024 software 2 months old to 2025 for an extortionst fee, for nor ereal change or advantage.
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I don't want to get my hope up...please post back and let us know if it actually works. If it does, you've done a great service for many users on an issue that is nearly four years old!
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Folks it's actually worse than all you're seeing.
Maybe the log out and reactivate will work... whose got time to try all that and why should they have to?
But whatever you do... DO NOT "UPGRADE" to the 2025 versions.
Why? Read the fine print. If you own the 2024 version, you own it.
But starting with 2025, it's only a 3-year license.
I mean... if you want the features then maybe it's fine for you. But don't be blindsided.
Now... raise your hands... who trusts Adobe?
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MS Clipchamp, once my Premiere software ceases to function
My 2023 version suddenly did
cease in July and told me I could no longer use it.
No help whatsoever came forth
It often refused to function and had to be reinstalled. As I owned it that
should not be an issue. Very poor quality support.
So obsolescence is already built in.
Chris Wheatley