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I have upgraded to Photoshop Elements (P. E.) 2023 from P.E. 7. In 7 I was able to open a blank file into the same workspace as a photo that I was editing and move a selected part of the photo to the blank file using the move tool. when I open a blank file in P.E. 2023 it goes into the photo bin as a separate file and I cant get it to open in the same workspace as another photo. What am I not doing to achieve what I was able to achieve in P.E. 7?
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Go to Edit menu>Preferences>General and check "Allow floating documents in advanced mode." Does that fix it?
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Go to Edit menu>Preferences>General and check "Allow floating documents in advanced mode." Does that fix it?
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advice. Joe
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Thank you for the advice. Works perfectly.
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An alternative method is to select an option from the Window>Images menu. In this screenshot, I have used the Tile option:
This allows you to click and drag a layer from the Layers panel to the new file or click and drag the photo from the Photo Bin to the new file. If you only want a single layer to be transferred to the new file, you can hide the other layers in the source image and only the visible layer will be dragged from the Photo Bin.
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receive the screen shot? Joe.
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Thank you for the advice.
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Hi Joseph!
Another quick way to put 2 or more images in the same workspace is to use the "Layout" button in the bottom toolbar. Just click on the Layout button, then pick one of the Grid, Column, or Row options available. And you can return to the Default also.
Walter in Davie, FL