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Hi again
I have Photoshop 12 Elements and had to Uninstall, then Reinstall the program, but then had Invalid S/N issues, but resolved that w/Adobe Support.
The Elements App is working now, but I plug in my Camera to download pixtures under Organizer, to a camera device its always worked with before, but now when I get to the photos from camera Download window I get No Device Found ? Even after Refresh List several times.
Had this App long time, & its always worked, now after all this, Elements itself works and I can access my foldered pix, but App does not recognize my camera its always worked with to download the photos after I refresh list.
How do I get program to work with my camera again....a Canon SD1100 IS.
Appreciate any direction on this.
Best regards
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When you plug your camera in, does the camera's memory card show us as a drive in Windows Explorer?
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Hi Greg
Not sure I'm understanding what you are saying?
When plugged in, before issue my camera number would come up. if not, I'd Refresh and it would be there.
When plugged in, the download window opens, but just sits there... as I cant see/dont know how to get to my camera now.
Where would Windows Explorer be ?
Who is 'us' as a drive in WE ?
Sorry, these problems new to me after many years of just working... easily
Now, it does not recognize my device?
Knows at least a cord is plugged in for something..?
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Sorry for confusion. My post should have said: show up as a drive.
What OS are you using? When you have the camera plugged into your computer, click on My Computer or This PC to see your computer's drives and folders. The memory card on your camera will show up as a USB drive:
If the memory card is recognized by Windows as a drive, close and reopen the Organizer. Then go to to Import>From Camera or Card Reader and see if the Adobe Photo Downloader displays the device.