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Photoshop Elements 2023 Organizer Drop down don't work when not using wifi for the internet

New Here ,
Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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I recently brought Photoshop Elements 2023 but found that the Organizer Drop Downs don't work at home when I connect to the internet via a docking station.  I went to a course where I had to connect to the internet via Wifi and the Organizer Drop Downs worked.  How can I get them to work when connected to the internet via a Docking station connected via wire to my router?

Problem or error






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

New Here , Mar 02, 2023 Mar 02, 2023

The issue of No drop down menu's in the Organizer part of Adobe Photoshop Elements is coursed by the docking station.  I went to a class on Photoshop Elements and the drop down worked.  I thought it was due to the internet connection but it wasn't.  I put it back on the docking station and it didn't work.  I took it off the docking station at home and it Worked not connected to the internet and then I plugged in the internet cable and it still Worked. With the task bar being automatically hidden




Community Expert ,
Feb 22, 2023 Feb 22, 2023

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Do you have the Windows Task Bar set to automatically hidden?  If so, turn that setting off so that the task bar always shows. 


Otherwise, try contacting Elements support. You can start a chat session by clicking on the blue Contact Us button under the Help & Support menu at Adobe.com. Or you can contact Support by telephone using the numbers listed here: https://helpx.adobe.com/contact/phone.html. Hours of operation outside of the United States are limited. See the phone link for details





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New Here ,
Mar 02, 2023 Mar 02, 2023

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The issue of No drop down menu's in the Organizer part of Adobe Photoshop Elements is coursed by the docking station.  I went to a class on Photoshop Elements and the drop down worked.  I thought it was due to the internet connection but it wasn't.  I put it back on the docking station and it didn't work.  I took it off the docking station at home and it Worked not connected to the internet and then I plugged in the internet cable and it still Worked. With the task bar being automatically hiddend and the VPN on.  I put it back on the docking station and it Didn't Work!  I don't know why but I can do the organizing OFF the docking station and the Editing ON the docking station with the large screen it's connected to.  If you can solve the issue of the docking station that would be great.





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