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Photoshop elements hangs when importing

New Here ,
Dec 11, 2022 Dec 11, 2022

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New user. Using Elements 2023. Windows 10. New install. Importing via bulk from a single folder on my SSD that contains about 5000 photos. Have catalog on separate SSD  drive, which I created before importing. About 20% of the way through it hangs and then says Adobe encountered an error and needs to close. Tried this twice. Sent error file to Adobe. I do not know where the error log is kept.

Any help appreciated.

Crash or freeze , Organizer , Problem or error






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Community Expert ,
Dec 11, 2022 Dec 11, 2022

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Try importing via Files and Folders and if necessary break down the import into fewer files. 





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New Here ,
Dec 11, 2022 Dec 11, 2022

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Thanks I tried that but all the photos are in one folder, so I selected them all and this time I got to 48% before the entire computer froze and I had to reboot to restore functionality. I did delete the catalog and make a new one on the assumption that the freeze before maybe corrupted the previous catalog before attempting the import.  At the point of freezing, I saw the photo name being imported and there was nothing unusual about it, that is to say no odd characters etc, just letters and numbers.





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New Here ,
Dec 12, 2022 Dec 12, 2022

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I thought this program has some official Adobe support, but when I tried to register it,I get the message that my serial number is in an invalid format and cannot be accepted. Its the same serial number in the same format that I used to activate the program.

So looks like I am just out of luck to use this program. Does Adobe offer refunds?





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Community Expert ,
Dec 12, 2022 Dec 12, 2022

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Yes, Adobe gives refunds within 30 days of purchase.  You do not need to register the serial number if you are using the Organizer, but you do need to be signed into your Adobe account.  The account must be the same one that you purchased the program with. 

If you purchased from a third pary, you probably got a redemption code, not a serial number.  So if you are entering the redemption code, you will get a message that it is the wrong format.  See this HelpX article for help with redemption codes.





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Community Expert ,
Dec 12, 2022 Dec 12, 2022

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Although you tried my suggestion to use the Files and Folders import, it sounds like you did not try to import the files in smaller batches.  You can do so by selecting multiple files from inside a single folder  and clicking the Get Media button.



Also, is the SSD containing the photos also your system C drive?  How big is it and how much free space does it have?  What are the specs of your computer, particularly how much RAM?





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New Here ,
Dec 12, 2022 Dec 12, 2022

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My system specs are AMD 5900X, 32GB RAM, NVIDIA 3090 card. Windows 10.

The photo folder I am importing to the Catalog is on the C: Drive. C:Drive is an SSD. I have tried setting up the catalog on both a standard hard drive and an SSD both of which are 2TB and have over 1 TB free. With both the process hangs but at different spots of the import process. When I look at the last picture imported, it is just a standard JPG file that I can open and view easily.

I have had three failures, and in all cases I chose to import all the files by selecting them. I could indeed try to import smaller amounts, but that would be daunting and time consuming to keep selecting batches of 5000 pictures and remember where I had left off and would not find the program worthwhile if that is route I would have to take. The last attempt did import about 3000 pictures in just a few minutes before it hung again.


I purchased the Photoshop Premiere bundle from Newegg and did get an alphanumeric redemption code, which per instructions I redeemed for two 24 all numeric codes. When I opened the Editor as you suggested, I was able to activate it by supplying the serial number, but that same serial number returns invalid format when attempting to register it for support.

Here is the first part of the error log:

<!DOCTYPE AdobeCrashReport SYSTEM "AdobeCrashReporter.dtd">

<crashreport serviceVersion="4.7.0" clientVersion="4.7.0" applicationName="Elements Organizer" applicationVersion="" build="21.0 (20220906.Git.master.4218aba)" source="Windows-Client" crashType="n/a">

<time year="2022" month="12" day="12" hour="14" minute="34" second="12" timeoffset="-480" timezone="Pacific Standard Time"/>

<user guid="2b8ee151-d9b3-4ea4-9145-9017db759192"/>

<system platform="Windows 10 Pro" osversion="10.0" osbuild="19044" applicationlanguage="en-us" userlanguage="en-US" oslanguage="en-US" ram="32689" machine="AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor" model="AMD64 Family 25 Model 33 Stepping 0" cpuCount="24" cpuType="8664" cpuFreq="3693 MHz" processorArchitecture="9"/>


<gpuinfo availability="Running/Full Power" adapterCompatibility="NVIDIA" adapterRAM="4095 MB" caption="NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090" description="NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090" driverDate="20220921000000.000000-000" driverVersion="" videoModeDescription="3440 x 1440 x 4294967296 colors" pnpDeviceID="PCI&#92;VEN_10DE&#38;DEV_2204&#38;SUBSYS_38801028&#38;REV_A1&#92;4&#38;16D37120&#38;0&#38;0019" installedDisplayDrivers="nvldumdx.dll"/>


<crash exception="EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" exceptionCode="0xc0000005" instruction="0x00007FF99E981B87">








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Guru ,
Dec 12, 2022 Dec 12, 2022

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In the past simliar issue arise due to the file name.   Having a special character i nthe name (stuff like #,$, *) can sometimes confuse the program--- a file with a funky file extension (such as JPIG, instead of JPEG or JPG can make it a bit wonky. 

here is a link for a good read about it:







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Community Expert ,
Dec 12, 2022 Dec 12, 2022

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So do you have 5,000 or 50,000 files? or 500,000?   Your original post says you are trying to import a folder with five thousand files.  Now you say that it would be daunting to keep selecting batches of 5,000 at a time?????? What time frame does this folder of photos span?  Surely you could sort by date modified and import in batches of year, month or day. 


@Greg27428551x49t said:

When I opened the Editor as you suggested, I was able to activate it by supplying the serial number, but that same serial number returns invalid format when attempting to register it for support.

I don't understand what you mean by this statement.  Where are you trying to register the serial number for support? 

I just started a Chat session with Adobe Support and was not asked for any serial number. 





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Dec 12, 2022 Dec 12, 2022

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I have now found the contact us page with options for chat and phone calls, and no need to register the product. I see the product shows up in my account anyway. I cannot now find the page that discusses registering for support, probably something I found by websearch or I may have been confusing Photoshop with Photoshop Elements, since I am completely new to this product.

So I have about 5000 photos in the one folder. I was unaware that one can select for import by year, etc. so I can try that. I did add about 15 files to the catalog with no problem however just to try it.  I looked at the link you sent me. The last image before the program hung was IMG_1513.JPG so nothing unusual and there are many others formatted similarly that did not seem to cause the crash.

I did uninstall and reinstall the program in case the install was corrupted. Made sure all the antivirus was disabled during the install and when importing. Tried again to import all the pictures and at about 60% the computer had a complete unrecoverable crash with black screen and had to be restarted, worse than before. So to me it looks like some bug in the new release. I can try to call Adobe support tomorrow.

I do appreciate all your help.





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