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Plugin still listed in filters after uninstalling the plugin

Explorer ,
May 21, 2019 May 21, 2019

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I was told this was a bug In the software that had some kind of workaround posted in these forums.  I can't find it.

I have photoshop elements 2018.  After removing a plugin... DXO Viewpoint 2 and upgrading to Viewpoint 3... the filter for both are showing.

There is no plugin installed for viewpoint 2 anymore and there isn't any files on my MAC that refer to viewpoint 2

Anyway to edit this out of photoshop?






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Dec 31, 2022 Dec 31, 2022

@Fotomaker01RA, go to the following folder and delete the plug-in file or folder containing the plug-in:

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 2023\Plug-Ins


Added:  I just noticed that you are inquiring about Photoshop CC.  In that case, go to the following folder:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CC


This is the Photoshop Elements Forum.  In future you should post in the Photoshop Ecosystem forum.



Engaged ,
Dec 31, 2022 Dec 31, 2022

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Hi Greg,  Just returned home, saw your note above & tried it on my Win 11 Ps 2023 (CC).


I didn't delete the entire Common Files plugins folder b/c I don't want to lose all my plugins. But - using the File Path you provided - I went to that folder & looked specifically for the 2 programs the uninstall (& various manual uninstalls of .8bf files by me....in different "Plugins" folders on my PC) didn't remove & I only deleted the 2 programs that were still showing up in my Ps 2023 Filter list. Ps was closed when I did it. I emptied my Recycle Bin & rebooted the PC. (Overkill, much?!)


Just launched Ps again & now the errant 3rd party filter names are finally gone. I really appreciate your pointer! Thx!!!


I posted here (not realizing it was Elements oriented) b/c it was where I got pointed doing a search for the issue on the Adobe forums. I always search 1st so as not to be redundant (& ideally more self-reliant...).


It is puzzling to me though that 2 most recently installed 3rd party programs, when uninstalled from Ps 2023 (as noted in my post it never happened in Ps 2022 & earlier & b/c I beta test I'm regularly installing/uninstalling with no prior issues) they left files scattered throughout my PC in various & sundry Ps/Adobe plugins file locations. I realize that's not your issue, but my investigative mind makes me wonder if the 3rd party devs didn't get (or, aren't using) some updated developer code that would tell them how to build in the s/w hooks to remove all program elements in their uninstaller code.


Thx again! You solved my immediate issue.  





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Community Expert ,
Dec 31, 2022 Dec 31, 2022

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@Fotomaker01RA, in my experience, plug-in developers do a terrible job of install/uninstall.  Those that have standalone and plug-in applications almost never delete the plug-in file - only the main standalone application.  I don't blame Adobe for not deleting the plug-ins during an uninstall.  After all, users frequently have to unistall/reinstall the program for a number of reasons.  It would add to the stress of reinstalling if you have to find all of the plug-ins to reinstall those too.  Normally, there is no need to delete the plug-ins and they can be used for updated versions. This is particularly true for CC which updates on a regular basis.  Unfortunately, Elements does not keep its plug-ins in a common folder.  But it is easy to copy plug-ins from one Elements version to the next.


And, thanks to your post, I cleaned up my own plug-in setup which included some trials that I decided not to buy.





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Engaged ,
Dec 31, 2022 Dec 31, 2022

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I agree that under normal situations I wouldn't uninstall my Ps plugins if they're going to be updated. And, as you noted, most of my 3rd party programs do have both standalone & plugin versions. My workflow is in Ps, so I rarely use the standalones unless needing them for Raw processing.


But I was beta testing a program that had tons of models associated with it & it doesn't have a recurring beta plugin. So I didn't want it in my Filter list and/or raising questions when I record educ. videos for my YouTube channel on how to use Ps for fine art photography


The other "troublesome" program that I wanted to rid my Filter list of was for a program I tried as a free trial and decided not to purchase (for various reasons). So, again, I hated having it enlarge my (already large) list of plugins under Filter.


Really appreciate you taking the time to write. And for providing the helpful (needed) answer of how to achieve my goal. Happy New Yr.





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