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I'm running the latest Catalina and the new PSE 2020.
When I open the Organizer, it will crash once it does the splash screen (when it goes to load the catalog). I've created "New" catalogs multiple times, and then it crashes after creating the new one.
If I boot in "safe mode", the program works fine.
Anyone else having this issue? Since it works in Safe Mode, I'm assuming that some other software I'm running (which is not a lot) is causing it to crash.
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I have exactly the same problem. It worked for a while when I first downloaded it. Now it crashes everytime I start organiser
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I have narrowed it down to Livedrive. It only seems to crash while Livedrive is logged on
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... replied to the wrong post ...
Nevertheless! Please provide a solution. I paid money for this!
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I have the same problem on macOS Mojave. I installed the software yesterday, and Organzier didn't work from the first try. Therefore I deinstalled and reinstalled with the latest download, but it didn't work either.
The solution and workaround suggested here doesn't work!
Please provide a solution. I paid money for this!
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I am having the same problem, also on Catalina. The crash report points to the follwing thread causing the crash:
0 0x00007fff2fea481c CFURLGetBytes + 43
No help from Adobe tech support. Anyone in the community have an idea what this thread means?
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OK, I solved my problem. Since elements would launch in safe mode, I sequentially disabled the programs that automatically launch at start up, and it turns out the culprit was the WD Discovery app that manages the automatic backup of selected folders to an external hard drive. Quitting that program allowes elements 2020 organizer to launch normally.
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That is interesting. I don't use this WD software. But a software CloudMounter is preventing my PSE Organizer from starting.
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Bingo - Disabling WD app fixed the issue for me as well. Thank you for posting your fix.
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So i noticed a common thread between all of the people that are having issues. I noticed they are all using software packages that use a Drive. Like OneDrive, Live Drive, or Western Digital Drive. For me, i'm using Boxcryptor. Once i killed boxcryptor, the software worked fine. Then I opened Organizer, and was playing around in it for a few minutes, then launched Boxcryptor and BOOM, it crashed. So i went into the boxcryptor settings and set my drive to run as a "Fixed Drive" and wha lah, my problem went away.
So in short, if you have any app like OneDrive, LiveDrive or any other "Disk or Drive" utility, kill it and see if the software will work as expected.
This is just what worked for me, but see if it works for you. I'd be curious.
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I had nearly the same problem. Running MacOS Mojave, and instead of OneDrive or the like, I am using Syncplicity. Same "crash on Catalog open" issues as everyone else. I quite the app (Syncplicity in my case) and was able to run Elements Organizer. Adobe has a general problem here obviously. Instead of just going out and trying to index every device / drive it can see, it should (imagine this) ASK the user what to do FIRST.
At any rate, seems to be a general issue with Organizer 2020 and any cloud / remote drive application.
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Same problem with mountain duck sofware. When the drives connected then crash of Adobe PSE => stopped mountain duck it works fine. I think it depends on the folders view in the organizer. It always want to open all drives connected. But some of these contains encrypted files, like boxcryptor, cryptomator, windows safe or single encrypted files. When Adobe PSE tries to open"hasta la vista"...
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Ive had a problem with Adobe Orgainizer 2018 and have narrowed it down to WD(Western Digital) utilities, once that was deactivated Organiser works, so check any Hardware Aceess utilities that you may have running......